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Sexual Health

Sassafras Root Bark|Tincture-Liquiid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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An effective blood-purifier and used for a variety of skin diseases. Helps to clear urinary tract of various infections. Used in women's health for painful or difficult menstruation. Great for appetite control and obesity. Useful in the treatment of V.D.
$28.08 Price Details
Saw Palmetto Berry|Tincture-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Beneficial for male and female reproductive organs. A great tonic that builds strength in those suffering wasting diseases. An excellent expectorant for chest congestion, excessive mucus in sinuses and nose. May be helpful for ovarian diseases.
$28.08 Price Details
Schizandra Berry aka Schisandra-Tincture/Liquid Herbal Extract and Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Increases energy and helps the body heal itself. It strengthens the digestive organs and immune system. It protects against free radical damage and viral and bacterial infections. It has been very effective for protecting the liver from toxins.
$25.68 Price Details
|Sheep Sorrel|Tincture-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, it nourishes the glandular system. Effective treatment for hemorrhoids and diarrhea. Detoxifies the blood, improves the skin health and reduces internal and external bleeding. Expels worms and reduces fevers
$25.68 Price Details
Shiitake Mushroom|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Strengthens immune system. Builds resistance to viral infections, common colds and macular degeneration. Promotes healthy heart function, eases chronic fatigue
$28.08 Price Details
St. John’s Wort |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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For depression, controlling stress, insomnia and nerve pain and damage. It has been used to treat chronic fatigue syndrome and is helpful for treating mood swings associated with PMS and menopause. Used for herpes, shingles, fever blisters and wounds.
$25.68 Price Details
Strawberry Leaf|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Cleanses the stomach and tones the bowels. A gentle remedy for treatment of diarrhea. It has been used to treat anemia, chlamydia, gonorrhea, dysentery and difficulty in urination. It has been useful for gout and chilblains. Prevents night sweats.
$28.08 Price Details
Suma Root, aka Brazilian Ginseng |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Increases endurance and balances hormones. Helpful for Chronic Fatigue, Epstein-Barr Syndrome and wasting illnesses, such as AIDS. An anti-inflammatory, it eases the pain of arthritis and joint discomforts. An effective aphrodisiac.
$25.68 Price Details
Tongkat Ali Root|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Increases energy and endurance by increasing testosterone levels. Has been used for increasing sex drive in both men and women. Increases bone mineral density. Gives a sense of well-being and improved cognitive function.
$28.08 Price Details
Turmeric|Tincture-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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A digestive aid, also helps fevers, infections, dysentery, arthritis, liver problems, and fights cancerous tumors. Useful in the treatment of HIV. Used to kill parasites, fight skin infections and smooths the skin. Aids in recovery from chemotherapy.
$25.68 Price Details
Wahoo Root Bark|Tincture-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Useful for jaundice, gall bladder inflammation, constipation, and skin problems caused by liver disorders. Works as an expectorant and boosts blood circulation. Useful in treating venereal diseases, uterine discharge, skin ailments and scalp problems.
$28.08 Price Details
White Oak Bark|Tincture-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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A powerful astringent that has been used to control diarrhea, internal and external bleeding, excessive menstrual flow, nosebleeds and hemorrhoids. It increases the flow of urine and flushes kidney stones and gallstones. Helps relieve liver ailments.
$30.24 Price Details
Wintergreen|Tincture-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Beneficial for circulation. As an antiseptic is eases sore throat, mouth and has been used for gonorrhea. Relieves pain and headaches associated with menstruation. Helps relieve colds, toothaches and carpal tunnel.
$25.68 Price Details
Wolfberry, aka Lycii Berry|Tincture-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Used to treat or prevent visual degeneration. It is also used for high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, poor eyesight, vertigo, lumbago, impotence and menopausal complaints. This herb can be used to treat Leukemia and may prevent cancer.
$25.68 Price Details
Wood Betony|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Wood Betony has been used to help relieve headaches and migraines. It is relaxing to the heart and nervous system and has been beneficial for neuralgia. Also useful for treating hangovers, hysteria, panic attacks, hyperactivity, convulsions and anxiety.
$25.68 Price Details
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