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Amalakai Herbal Liquid|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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$898.56 Price Details
Bambusa Textilis-Bamboo Silica (Tian zhu huang)|Tinctures/Liquid Extracts Benefits & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Bamboo silica extracted from the shoot are useful for hair growth, healthy joints, and skin. It is considered a calming herb and has been used for fever, convulsions, epilepsy, stroke and for coma.
$28.08 Price Details
Barley Grass |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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This free radical scavenger super green helps with detoxification & internal cleansing. High in vitamins, minerals & amino acids. Excellent for energy and endurance. Has been used for diabetes & heart disease and is believed to improve the immune system.
$25.68 Price Details
Black Walnut Hulls|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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A remedy for parasites in the body, bacterial and fungal infections. Lowers blood pressure and treats glandular disturbances. Purifies the blood and is said to be very effective for removing warts, treating herpes sores, impetigo, eczema, ulcers and staph
$25.68 Price Details
Bladderwrack|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Natural Iodine for thyroid gland and to maintain a healthy metabolism and balanced glandular function. Useful for goiter, cellulite, obesity. Provides relief for osteoarthritis and other joint ailments. Helps to promote circulation and a healthy glow.
$25.68 Price Details
Herbal Bone, Hair and Nail Strengthener|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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This formula is high in silica and other minerals to nourish bones, teeth and brittle fingernails. Contains: Oat Straw, Shavegrass/Horsetail, Mullein, Burdock root, Slippery Elm bark and Lobelia.
$28.52 Price Details
Borage Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Beneficial for easing depression and help with ADHD and Alzheimer's disease. An adrenal tonic and gland balancer. Suppresses inflammation and helps ease arthritis and rheumatism. Relieves menstrual and menopausal problems. Restores vitality from illness.
$25.68 Price Details
Cedar Berry|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Store THUMBNAIL
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Use for relief of a wide range of skin conditions including acne, warts, skin tags and psoriasis. Toning properties help with inflammation of gout, uteritis, hemorrhoids,and rheumatic conditions and it reduces effects of aging. Useful for diabetes.
$28.08 Price Details
Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade)| Natural Pest Control, Lowers Blood Pressure and Cholesterol THUMBNAIL
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Destroys intestinal parasites and cleanses colon. Helps prevent kidney stones and lymph congestion. Lowers cholesterol levels and helpful for high blood pressure. Revitalizes the skin and prevents premature aging. Helps with weight loss and bone loss
$12.72 Price Details
Dulse Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herbs THUMBNAIL
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A seaweed high in minerals and a great supplement for dieters. The fluoride content is believed to be good for strong teeth. Popular among vegetarians as a source of non-animal protein. Rich in iodine, believed to stimulate the thyroid activity.
$25.68 Price Details
Atlantic Kelp|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits of Herbs THUMBNAIL
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Helps restore balance to the thyroid gland, restores healthy hair, nails and skin. Lowers rates of obesity, heart conditions, arthritis, cancer and hypertension. Provides energy and stamina and is a viral protector. Used for herpes and AIDS complications.
$25.68 Price Details
Oat Straw, Avena Sativa|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Herb Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Used to strengthen the nervous system, relieving stress, strain and helps to calm the emotions. Nourishes the endocrine system, the skin and hair, Used to help stabilize blood sugar, reduce pain, ease eyestrain, relieve headaches and strengthen bones.
$25.68 Price Details
Oat Straw, Avena Sativa|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Herbal Benefits THUMBNAIL
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A restorative nerve tonic, for dealing with depression and energy deficiency. Beneficial for high cholesterol levels, and for heart health. High in calcium, useful for strong bones, nails, and hair. Helpful in supporting a healthy hormonal system.
$25.68 Price Details
Olive Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Herbal Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Olive, included in a Mediterranean diet, could prevent age-related bone loss and memory loss, helpful for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients. It may also stimulate the thyroid to help shed pounds, as well as lower cholesterol and improve heart health.
$25.68 Price Details
Wood Betony|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extract & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Wood Betony has been used to help relieve headaches and migraines. It is relaxing to the heart and nervous system and has been beneficial for neuralgia. Also useful for treating hangovers, hysteria, panic attacks, hyperactivity, convulsions and anxiety.
$25.68 Price Details
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.