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Allergy Relief THUMBNAIL
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For allergies caused by harmless substances such as pollen and animal dander. This herbal combination has been useful for allergies reactions, even wasp and bee stings. Contains Bayberry, Echinacea, Wild Cherry Bark, Yarrow, Goldenseal Root, and Cayenne.
$31.18 Price Details
Antibiotic Herbal Formula |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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This herbal formula contains Echinacea Root, Goldenseal Leaf, Poke Root, Cayenne Pepper. These herbs are believed to have properties which support the immune systems helping to ward off infections and infectious disease.
$31.18 Price Details
Asthma and Bronchitis-Breathe Deep|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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This herbal formula contains extracts shown to detox at a cellular level to relieve lung congestion and other bronchial conditions. Elderberry, Pleurisy, Pine Bark, Wild Cherry Bark, Horehound, Peach Bark & Leaf, Elecampane, Marshmallow and Slippery Elm
$31.18 Price Details
Bayberry Root Bark|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Their Benefits THUMBNAIL
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This is a great liver and uterine tonic that tones the glands. It supports the adrenal system and increase circulation. Improves low thyroid activity and used to treat bleeding of all kinds. Has been used for diarrhea, dysentery, colds and other viruses..
$28.08 Price Details
Blood Root|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts &Their Uses THUMBNAIL
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Bloodroot has been used for emphysema, laryngitis, colds, sinus infections, bronchitis and asthma It has been used as a remedy for skin cancers in humans and animals and relieves skin ulcers, eczema, nasal polyps, ringworm, fungal growths and sores.
$28.08 Price Details
Caraway Seed |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Store THUMBNAIL
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Helpful in relieving toothaches, uterine cramps, nausea, gallbladder spasms, upset stomach and ulcers. Increases milk production in nursing mothers and eases colic, and decreases fevers. Expels hookworms. Effective for colds and relieving bronchitis.
$25.68 Price Details
Chickweed Leaf|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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A mild tonic and blood cleanser, great for hemorrhoids, rashes, eczema and other skin conditions. It has been used as a digestive aid and is a positive herb for weight loss. Has an effect on asthma and other bronchial conditions, even smoker's cough.
$25.68 Price Details
Clove Bud|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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It is useful for blood circulation and purification. Supports a healthy digestive function. It has been used for coughs, asthma, headache, stress and even as an aphrodisiac. Used for chronic fatigue syndrome and herpes virus. Used for fungal infections.
$25.68 Price Details
Coltsfoot Leaf|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Helpful for respiratory. The herb has a soothing, expectorant action. A mild diuretic that has bee used for cystitis . Externally applied to relieve burns, insect bites, stings, inflammations, general swellings, ulcers, erysipelas, sores and phlebitis.
$28.08 Price Details
Cumin Seed|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Use to help with digestive disorders and to help balance blood sugars. It is used in natural medicine for inflammatory diseases and respiratory ailments. It has been used for psoriasis, eczema, dry skin and skin infections. Believed to boost immunity..
$25.68 Price Details
Echinacea Root|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Used traditionally to boost the immune system during illness, such as colds and other infections. Good for cleansing lymph system and glands. Used traditionally for ear infections, sinusitis, tonsillitis and strep throat.
$28.08 Price Details
Echinacea Purpurea Root |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Used traditionally for the immune system and during illness. Considered to be a valuable herb for viral infection and other infections. Good for cleansing lymph system. Has been used historically for ear infections, sinusitis, tonsillitis and strep throat
$28.08 Price Details
Elderberry Fruit |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herbal Store THUMBNAIL
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Has been used for bronchial and respiratory disorders. May help to stimulate the immune system and protects against free radicals. A powerful laxative and natural intestinal cleaner. Found to help fight viral and bacterial infections. Removes freckles.
$25.68 Price Details
Elderberry Syrup-Cough and Colds Herbal Extract Formula THUMBNAIL
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This is a great sore throat and cough syrup! It is used for upper respiratory disorders, hay fever, bronchial problems, coughs and sore throats.
$24.69 Price Details
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