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Abuta Leaf (Cissampelos pareira) THUMBNAIL
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This herb has been used by indigenous cultures throughout the Amazon for thousands of years for a wide range of conditions and is still a popular choice today for women's issues.
$25.68 Price Details
Barberry Root Bark|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Used for kidney pain and removal of stones. It also is a good tonic for the ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia and diarrhea. Effective for fighting bacterial infection, even when they have become antibiotic-resistant. Useful for treating rheumatoid arthritis.
$25.68 Price Details
Barley Grass |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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This free radical scavenger super green helps with detoxification & internal cleansing. High in vitamins, minerals & amino acids. Excellent for energy and endurance. Has been used for diabetes & heart disease and is believed to improve the immune system.
$25.68 Price Details
Bay Leaf|Tincture-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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As a tonic for the digestion system that can help relieve gas and cramping and stimulate the appetite. Also used for treating infections, sore throat, rheumatism, tonsillitis, and bladder problems. Useful herb for the pain of headaches and migraines.
$25.68 Price Details
Birch  Bark|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Used as a remedy for gout, scrofula, rheumatism, and dropsy. Relieves temporary sleeplesssness. Relieves bruises, burns, eczema, wounds, skin eruptions and psoriasis. Believed to slow progress of HIV and has been used to ease discomforts of colds and flu.
$28.08 Price Details
Blackberry Root | Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Has been used in cases of dysentery and for bringing diarrhea under control. A valuable treatment for external bleeding, hemorrhoids, excessive menstrual flow and watery stools. Used tradtionally for hemophilia, uterine hemorrhage, and bleeding gums..
$25.68 Price Details
Blood Root|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts &Their Uses THUMBNAIL
In Stock
Bloodroot has been used for emphysema, laryngitis, colds, sinus infections, bronchitis and asthma It has been used as a remedy for skin cancers in humans and animals and relieves skin ulcers, eczema, nasal polyps, ringworm, fungal growths and sores.
$28.08 Price Details
Blue Vervain|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
In Stock
Natural tranquilizer, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant. Has been used for fever, coughs and colds, to calm the nerves and relieve liver congestion. A reliable parasitic for parasites and intestinal worms. Used historically for gout and gravel.
$28.08 Price Details
Buchu Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Uses THUMBNAIL
In Stock
Helpful to the digestive system. Strengthens the urinary system, treats urinary tract infections, reduces bloating and excess water weight. Helps relieve gout and rheumatism. Eliminates kidney stones and gravel. Reduces swelling of the prostate.
$37.48 Price Details
Calendula Flower|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
In Stock
Used for skin problems, rashes, boils, abscesses, bruises. Fights fever, relieves conjunctivitis, recurrent vomiting, upset stomach and ulcers. Prevents dermatitis in breast cancer patients during radiation. Soothes genital inflammation and hemorrhoids.
$25.68 Price Details
California Poppy |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Store THUMBNAIL
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California poppy is used for insomnia, aches, nervous agitation, bed-wetting and diseases of the bladder and liver.
$28.08 Price Details
Catnip Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Store THUMBNAIL
In Stock
Beneficial for colds, virus, fevers, and infectious disease. Used to calm upset stomach, reduce gas and an overall pain reliever for headaches and cramps. Relaxes muscles, relieves stress, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, hysteria and hives.
$25.68 Price Details
Cedar Berry|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Store THUMBNAIL
In Stock
Use for relief of a wide range of skin conditions including acne, warts, skin tags and psoriasis. Toning properties help with inflammation of gout, uteritis, hemorrhoids,and rheumatic conditions and it reduces effects of aging. Useful for diabetes.
$28.08 Price Details
Chamomile Flower Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extract Shop Herbs THUMBNAIL
In Stock
Chamomile has immune boosting properties and is helpful for treating colds, sinusitis, staph and strep toxins. It also helps with menstrual cramps, headaches, neuralgia, backache, stress, anxiety, and ADD. Used to treat colic, ear infections, and diarrhea
$25.68 Price Details
Chickweed Plantain Salve for any type of itching THUMBNAIL
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Effective topical salve for any type of itching
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