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Bee Propolis|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Extract of Bee Propolis has been used to build the immune system and may be helpful for infections. It has been used traditionally to relieve stomach and intestinal ulcers. Effective for skin health, and has been used externally to help heal broken bones.
$30.00 Price Details
Bladderwrack|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Natural Iodine for thyroid gland and to maintain a healthy metabolism and balanced glandular function. Useful for goiter, cellulite, obesity. Provides relief for osteoarthritis and other joint ailments. Helps to promote circulation and a healthy glow.
$25.68 Price Details
Borage Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Beneficial for easing depression and help with ADHD and Alzheimer's disease. An adrenal tonic and gland balancer. Suppresses inflammation and helps ease arthritis and rheumatism. Relieves menstrual and menopausal problems. Restores vitality from illness.
$25.68 Price Details
Breast Support Liquid Herbal Formula|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Herbs used traditionally to enhance breast size naturally and may be helpful for reducing the symptoms of menopause. Blessed Thistle, Fenugreek, Maca, Anise, Black Cohosh, Chaste Tree Berry, Damiana, Wild Yam, Saw Palmetto, Watercress, Hops, Fennel & more
$31.18 Price Details
Buchu Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Uses THUMBNAIL
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Helpful to the digestive system. Strengthens the urinary system, treats urinary tract infections, reduces bloating and excess water weight. Helps relieve gout and rheumatism. Eliminates kidney stones and gravel. Reduces swelling of the prostate.
$37.48 Price Details
Buckthorn Bark |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Has a gentle stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Relieves jaundice and hepatitis. Eases abdominal bloating, constipation, hemorrhoids and anal irritation. Often used in weight-loss and for skin diseases such as acne and eczema.
$25.68 Price Details
Cat’s Claw (Una de Gato)|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Products THUMBNAIL
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Helps to lessen the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, PMS and irregularities of the menstrual cycle. Treats infections and a wide range of intestinal disorders. Supports healthy blood pressure levels. Has been used to treat herpes and ulcers.
$28.08 Price Details
Cedar Berry|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Store THUMBNAIL
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Use for relief of a wide range of skin conditions including acne, warts, skin tags and psoriasis. Toning properties help with inflammation of gout, uteritis, hemorrhoids,and rheumatic conditions and it reduces effects of aging. Useful for diabetes.
$28.08 Price Details
Celery Seed|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herbs THUMBNAIL
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Improves digestion, helpful for headaches, nervousness, insomnia, water retention, improves appetite. Stimulates sex drive. Excellent for pulmonary catarrh and deficiency diseases. Eases arthritis, swelling, joint pain, muscle spasms, gout, PMS symptoms .
$25.68 Price Details
Chaparral Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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A powerful antioxidant, cleanser, pain killer, and antiseptic.
$25.68 Price Details
Chaste Tree Berry aka Vitex |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Well-known for its effects to the female reproductive system and prostate problems. Eases discomfort of menstruation, PMS and menopause. It has been used for fibroid and ovarian cysts. Men take vitex for impotence, enlarged prostrate, and swelling.
$25.68 Price Details
Cleavers Leaf|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Useful for urinary infections, edema, and head colds. Tones the lymph system, relieves swollen glands. Expels kidney stones and gravel. Beneficial for skin, for eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, acne and skin inflammation. May prevent heart failure and stroke.
$25.68 Price Details
Collinsonia Root aka Stone Root|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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May be helpful for urinary complaints and hemorrhoids, rectal pain, to strengthen the structure of the veins. Used externally for wounds, bruises, cuts and sores. May reduce water retention and relieves PMS symptoms. Used for headaches and varicose veins.
$25.68 Price Details
Corn Silk|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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An antiseptic, diuretic, and mild stimulant and old remedy for urinary tract ailments, gravel, cystitis, urethritis and prostatis. Relieves excess water retention, combats urinary stones and bladder infection. Used for PMS and soothing for skin issues.
$25.68 Price Details
Couchgrass aka Dog Grass |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts  Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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May be used with bladder problems and urinary infections such as cystitis, urethritis and prostatitis. Relieves sore throats, bronchitis, laryngitis, and clears infection. Alleviates rheumatism and gout. Eases urinary tract inflammation and infections.
$25.68 Price Details
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