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Cumin Seed (Cuminum cyminum)
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Use to help with digestive disorders and to help balance blood sugars. It is used in natural medicine for inflammatory diseases and respiratory ailments. It has been used for psoriasis, eczema, dry skin and skin infections. Believed to boost immunity..
Dulse Leaf (Rhodymenia palmata)
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A seaweed high in minerals and a great supplement for dieters. The fluoride content is believed to be good for strong teeth. Popular among vegetarians as a source of non-animal protein. Rich in iodine, believed to stimulate the thyroid activity.
False Unicorn Root (Chamaelirium Luteum)
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May help to treat infertility issues in both males. Useful for symptoms of PMS and menopause. Used for weakness of the liver and kidneys. Useful for bad breath as the result of colds or flu. Eases nausea. May treat worms and parasites in the intestines.
Garlic Bulb (Allium sativum)
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Has been used traditionally as a anticoagulant, antifungal and blood purifier. May be effective in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. It has been shown to have antioxidant value and may help to fight off infections.
Ginseng Root - American (Panax quinquefolius)
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Tranquilize the brain while moderately stimulating the organs. The herb has been used for stamina and energy. To improve resistance to infection. Traditionally used to lower cholesterol and as an aphrodisiac and fertility.
Ginseng Root/White Ginseng-Panax
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May help protect against radiation damage, stress, fatigue and high blood sugar. It has been used to treat viral infections, bronchitis, depression and digestive disorders and for reinforcing the spleen. Considered to be tranquilizing for the mind.
Ginseng Root-Korean Red/Panax Ginseng (Shui chu)
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Used to increase male hormone production. The herb has been found to helpful for diabetics for poor circulation, and it also may increase energy. It has also been used as a sedative and migraines. It has been may even give relief for menopause symptoms.
Hydrangea Root (Hydrangea arborescens)
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Hydrangea is used for autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Cleans the urinary tract system and may help to prevent stone formation. Considered blood cleanser it has been found to help with lymphatic conditions.
Juniper Berries (Juniperus communis)
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Restores the pancreas, cleanses the urinary tract, reduces flatulence, tones the digestive system. Relieves gout, rheumatism, arthritis and joint pain. Helps with weight loss and for skin conditions. Used to expel worms and removes toxins from the blood.
Kava Kava Root (Piper methysticum)
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For anxiety, stress, insomnia, muscle tension. Relieves arthritis, gout and rheumatism. An antispasmodic this herb relaxes muscle tension.
Kelp-Atlantic (Ascophyllum nodosom)
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Helps restore balance to the thyroid gland, restores healthy hair, nails and skin. Lowers rates of obesity, heart conditions, arthritis, cancer and hypertension. Provides energy and stamina and is a viral protector. Used for herpes and AIDS complications.
Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa)
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Has been used for obesity, regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, and inhibit the HIV/AIDS virus. It has also been used for stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, constipation and as a source of vitamins and minerals.
Myrrh Gum, aka Guggul (Commiphora molmol)
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A cleansing and healing herb similar to echinacea. It has been used to alleviate sore throat, bolster the immune system and relieve the pain of sinusitis. Also useful for sweetening the breath and treat gingivitis, thrush and periodontal disease.
Nettle Root (Urtica dioica)
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For allergies, arthritis, BPH, excessive bleeding, hair loss, hypertension, inflammation, prostatitis. This herb is uplifting for a weary body, relieve fatigue and exhaustion.