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Marjoram (Origanum majorana)
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Soothes minor digestive upsets, infant colic, severe stomach cramps, spasms and painful menstruation. Believed to help maintain proper blood pressure levels and helpful for hypertension and nervous disorders. An expectorant, it helps to ease coughs.
Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)
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The herb may be useful for easing stomach issues and soothing for the urinary and respiratory tracts. Has been used to relieve headache pain, muscle aches and pain. Used for drawing out splinters and stingers from insect bites and relieving the itch.
Mistletoe Leaf (Viscum album)
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Soothes the nervous system. This herb has a reputation for regulating and strengthening the heartbeat and may target some forms of cancer.
Mullein Leaf (Verbascum thapsus)
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For respiratory disorders, warts, headaches, earaches and intestinal cramps. It is used to promote a sound sleep and ease nervous tension. Externally, used to treat wounds, hemorroids, and soften the skin.
Mustard Seed (Sinapis alba)
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Promotes the appetite, aids digestion and has a mild laxative effect. A stimulant that warms and invigorates the circulatory system. It has been used for migraine relief and back pain. Smooths and conditions dry skin and fight acne.
Nettle Leaf (Urtica dioica)
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Helpful for gout, rheumatism, kidney problems, high blood pressure, bleeding, and anemia. Has been used for disorders such as Alzheimer's, sciatica, tendonitis and fibromyalgia. Reduces PMS and menopause symptoms, fibroids and may regulate menstrual flow.
Nettle Root (Urtica dioica)
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For allergies, arthritis, BPH, excessive bleeding, hair loss, hypertension, inflammation, prostatitis. This herb is uplifting for a weary body, relieve fatigue and exhaustion.
Nursing Increase|Herbal Formula 1066
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This formula has been used to renew and heal damaged bone, cartilage, and tissue, as well as bruising. This is a long-term external treatment. We suggest using it for at least 3-6 months depending on severity.
Onion Bulb (Allium cepa)
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Used for hair loss, and healthy hair growth and condition. Helps lower blood pressure and strengthen sexual vitality. Has been used for infections, diabetes and bronchial conditions. Helps heal acne scars and works as an antiseptic for wounds and sores.
Orange Peel-Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium)
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For stomach complaints, gas, use this extract as a digestive aid. Enhances the immune system and wards off invasive infections. Great for keeping capillaries and blood vessels healthy. It gives a youthful glow and smooth skin, helps treat acne.
Osha Root (Ligusticum porteri)
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Used for viral infections, coughs, chest problems, and sore throat. It's numbing effects are helpful for toothache pain. It stimulates the uterus and helps bring on menstruation. It has been used for skin wounds for prevention of infection.
Pau d’Arco Bark (Tabebuia heptaphylla)
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With its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties it may help to protect the body against bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing germs. A powerful herb it may be of help in cases of diabetes, as well as skin ulcers.
Peach Leaf (Prunus persica)
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Stimulates the flow of urine, calms nervousness, and helps with chest congestion. Effective for burns, wounds, venomous insect bites and allergic reactions. Also a wonderful remedy for eczema, fungal infections and boils. Use to condition hair for growth.
Peach Tree Bark (Prunus persica)
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Great for the immune system. Stimulates urine flow, increases circulation and cleanses toxins from the blood. Effective for morning sickness and nausea. May be beneficial for jaundice and dropsy. Works for bad breath, constipation and headache pain.
Peppermint Leaf (Mentha piperita)
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Has been used for digestive complaints of all kinds including IBS, dyspepsia, colonic muscle spasms, constipation. Used externally it makes a soothing rub for muscle tension, pains, strains, facial neuralgia and migraines. Helps respiratory conditions.