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Devil’s Claw Bark|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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The herb has been used for the pain of arthritis, bursitis, headaches, lumbago, knee, hip and back pain. Traditionally used for allergies, diabetes, appetite stimulant and upset stomach.
$25.68 Price Details
Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade)| Natural Pest Control, Lowers Blood Pressure and Cholesterol THUMBNAIL
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Destroys intestinal parasites and cleanses colon. Helps prevent kidney stones and lymph congestion. Lowers cholesterol levels and helpful for high blood pressure. Revitalizes the skin and prevents premature aging. Helps with weight loss and bone loss
$12.72 Price Details
Digestion Stimulant Herbal Formula|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Their Benefits THUMBNAIL
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The herbs in this formula contains Peppermint Leaf, Hyssop, Hydrangea Root, Catnip, Garlic, and Cayenne. Used traditionally for colic, colitis, calcium deposits, dyspepsia, gall stones, halitosis, hemorrhoids, and intestinal pain.
$28.52 Price Details
Dogwood Bark |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Available in Gallon Only
$821.76 Price Details
Dong Quai Root|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herbs Store THUMBNAIL
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For menstrual cramping, irregularity and for hot flashes and vaginal dryness associated with menopause. Helps promote better blood circulation to body and brain. May help to relieve tinnitus, blurred vision, palpitations and migraine headaches.
$28.08 Price Details
Dulse Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herbs THUMBNAIL
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A seaweed high in minerals and a great supplement for dieters. The fluoride content is believed to be good for strong teeth. Popular among vegetarians as a source of non-animal protein. Rich in iodine, believed to stimulate the thyroid activity.
$25.68 Price Details
Echinacea Root|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Used traditionally to boost the immune system during illness, such as colds and other infections. Good for cleansing lymph system and glands. Used traditionally for ear infections, sinusitis, tonsillitis and strep throat.
$28.08 Price Details
Echinacea Purpurea Root |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Used traditionally for the immune system and during illness. Considered to be a valuable herb for viral infection and other infections. Good for cleansing lymph system. Has been used historically for ear infections, sinusitis, tonsillitis and strep throat
$28.08 Price Details
Elderberry Flower|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Used traditionally for inflammation and upper respiratory disorders. May help stimulate the immune system. May be helpful for asthma and reduces the symptoms of allergies, and sinusitis. Fades freckles and generally tones the skin.
$25.68 Price Details
Elderberry Fruit |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herbal Store THUMBNAIL
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Has been used for bronchial and respiratory disorders. May help to stimulate the immune system and protects against free radicals. A powerful laxative and natural intestinal cleaner. Found to help fight viral and bacterial infections. Removes freckles.
$25.68 Price Details
Elecampane Root |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Their Benefits THUMBNAIL
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Used historically for respiratory ailments such as coughs, asthma, and bronchitis. Used as a sugar substitute for diabetics and is the richest source of insulin. Stimulates a weak digestive system. Promotes menstrual flow and may be beneficial for anemia.
$25.68 Price Details
Eucalyptus Leaf |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Herbal Store Online THUMBNAIL
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Clears respiratory and nasal passages of congestion and mucus, relieving cold virus, sinusitis, croup, emphysema, tuberculosis, chronic and acute bronchits, sore throats, asthma and dry coughs. Improves skin problems and helps combat staph and strep.
$25.68 Price Details
Fennel Seed |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Used traditionally for colic, cramps, gas and excessive mucus to loosen phlegm and ease cough and colds. Promotes functioning of the liver, kidneys and spleen. Found to be of help for weight loss by stimulating the metabolism and reducing water retention.
$25.68 Price Details
Feverfew |Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Has been used for headache, arthritis, migraine pain and fever. Also found to be useful for nervous disorders, depression, nausea, inducing sleep, digestion, dizziness, tinnitus, psoriasis, eczema, menstrual cramps and prostate.
$25.68 Price Details
Fo Ti  Root-He shou wu|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts Shop Herb Store THUMBNAIL
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Used to increase energy and to maintain strength. May help to lower cholesterol levels and aid in digestion. This herb has been useful against transplant rejection. and autoimmune disease. Relieves anxiety/stress. Great for hair loss and graying hair.
$25.68 Price Details
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.