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Black Walnut Hulls (Juglans nigra)
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A remedy for parasites in the body, bacterial and fungal infections. Lowers blood pressure and treats glandular disturbances. Purifies the blood and is said to be very effective for removing warts, treating herpes sores, impetigo, eczema, ulcers and staph
Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum officinale)
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Promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage. Also good for healing scars and as a douche for yeast infections in women, and athlete's foot. Relieves sore breasts, IBS, gastric ulcers, respiratory disorders, cramps in the legs and gout.
Comfrey Root (Symphytum officinale)
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Promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage. Also good for healing scars and as a douche for yeast infections in women, and athlete's foot. Relieves sore breasts, IBS, gastric ulcers, respiratory disorders, cramps in the legs and gout.
Magnolia Bark (Magnolia virginiana)
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The herb has been used for colds, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, and skin disorders. It has been useful for stress, anxiety and depression, as well as menstrual cramps and nervous indigestion. It may be effective for weight loss programs.
Peppermint Leaf (Mentha piperita)
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Has been used for digestive complaints of all kinds including IBS, dyspepsia, colonic muscle spasms, constipation. Used externally it makes a soothing rub for muscle tension, pains, strains, facial neuralgia and migraines. Helps respiratory conditions.
Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa)
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For colds and other respiratory complaints. Used by herbalists for eruptive fevers, pneumonia and other pulmonary disorders. Found to be effective for easing the pain of menstruation. Good for the digestive system, for indigestion, gas and flatulent colic
Rose Hips (Rosa canina)
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Useful in skin care, as well as for easing skin conditions. Reduces fine lines, scarring and even stretchmarks. High in vitamin C, the herb is used for arthritis and joint pain. A natural diuretic, it may be useful for bladder and kidney conditions.
Wild Lettuce Leaf (Lactuca virosa)
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Can calm restlessness, severe nervous disorders, neuroses and hyperactivity in children, reduce anxiety and induces sleep. Soothing to the digestive tract. An expectorant that eases asthma, bronchitis and dry coughs. Also a diuretic and for pain relief.
Alfalfa Leaf (Medicago sativa)
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Increases energy and endurance. May help lower cholesterol, detoxes blood and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Eliminates bloating and water retention. Treats urinary tract infection. Replaces vitamin K depleted by other drugs including antibiotics.
Allergy Relief|Compound Formula
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For allergies caused by harmless substances such as pollen and animal dander. This herbal combination has been useful for allergies reactions, even wasp and bee stings. Contains Bayberry, Echinacea, Wild Cherry Bark, Yarrow, Goldenseal Root, and Cayenne.
Balm of Gilead Buds (Populous balsamifer)
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Balm of Gilead buds are considered to be useful for its the ability to help with protracted coughs and to clear the upper respiratory tract. Balm of Gilead extracted in alcohol may help to fight viral, bacterial infections and fungal infections.
Barberry Root Bark (Berberis Vulgaris)
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Used for kidney pain and removal of stones. It also is a good tonic for the ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia and diarrhea. Effective for fighting bacterial infection, even when they have become antibiotic-resistant. Useful for treating rheumatoid arthritis.
Bee Pollen Granules, Fresh
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Invigorates the body and enhances sexual energy. Regular use results in younger, smoother, healthier skin. Has shown to delay growth of tumors. Decreases side effects of radiation as well as, countering the effects of environmental and chemical toxins.
Bee Pollen Tincture
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Invigorates the body and enhances sexual energy. Regular use may result in younger, smoother, healthier skin. Has shown to delay growth of tumors. Decreases side effects of radiation as well as, countering the effects of environmental and chemical toxins.