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Fatty Liver Decrease
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Formula containing Artichoke Leaf, Dandelion Leaf and Root and Milk Thistle
Garlic Bulb (Allium sativum)
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Has been used traditionally as a anticoagulant, antifungal and blood purifier. May be effective in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. It has been shown to have antioxidant value and may help to fight off infections.
Ginkgo Leaf (Ginkgo biloba)
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Some of the most important health benefits of ginkgo include its ability to improve memory, boost vision, treat depression, alleviate pain, boost circulation, reduce blood pressure, protects the nervous system, boost heart health, and help prevent cancer.
Grapefruit Seed (Citrus paradisi) | Grapefruit Seed Extract
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Used to clear infection caused by virus, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. It has been used in the treatment of E. coli, strep, staph and salmonella poisoning. Useful for coughs, yeast infections, herpes, insect bites, HPV, plaque and bad breath.
Green Tea Tincture/Extract (Camellia sinensis)
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Green tea is thought to help prevent cancer, lower cholesterol levels, and as an appetite suppressant, and burns calories and fat. Prevents atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of heart disease, protects the liver from damaging toxins and fights tooth decay.
Hops Flower (Humulus lupulus)
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Hops has been used to relieve insomnia, anxiety, excitability and mild depression. It treats nervous or irritable coughs, IBS, toothaches, earaches, painful or absent menstruation and ulcers. It may protect the body with its anti-infective properties.
Huang Bai
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Clears heat toxins and dries dampness in the lower jiao. diarrhea, dysentery, urination with infection, jaundice
Isatis, (Isatis indigotica)
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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Isatis was used for centuries for its antiviral and antibiotic benefits.
Kelp-Atlantic (Ascophyllum nodosom)
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Helps restore balance to the thyroid gland, restores healthy hair, nails and skin. Lowers rates of obesity, heart conditions, arthritis, cancer and hypertension. Provides energy and stamina and is a viral protector. Used for herpes and AIDS complications.
Kudzu Root (Pueraria lobata)
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Regulates heart rate and useful for heart conditions, cluster headaches, migraines, vertigo and tinnitus. Regulates blood sugar and helpful for retinopathy, glaucoma and nerve deafness . Used for hangovers and helps alcohol and tobacco cravings.
KVA-Formula Formerly CVF
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Helpful herbs for helping to keep down infection and to support the immune system. Contains Unfiltered ACV, Glycerin, Honey, Wormwood, Marshmallow, White Oak, Black Walnut, Mullein, Skullcap, Astragalus, Uva Ursi and Garlic.
Lemon Peel (Citrus limon)
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Powerful antioxidant content used to fight bacteria, promote circulation, lower cholesterol, and treat cataracts. The nutrients also promote circulation, cleanse the liver and provides nourishment for the skin, teeth and nails. May help prevent bone loss.