Hawthorn (Crataegus species) has been used to treat heart disease as far back as the 1st century. By the early 1800s, American doctors were using it to treat circulatory disorders and respiratory illnesses. Traditionally, the berries were used to treat heart problems ranging from an irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, and heart failure. Today, the leaves and flowers are used medicinally, and there is some research that suggests that hawthorn might be effective when used in the treatment of mild to moderate heart failure. Hawthorn is a trusted cardiac tonic that is used to reduce cholesterol and significantly enhance blood circulation to the heart and brain. Hawthorn extract is one of few herbs which might enhance ejection fraction, particularly when coupled with CoQ10 and physical exercise. The hawthorn berries can be achieved into an herbal decoction, which may be utilized just as one astringent gargle for sore throats plus an herbal douche for ladies impacted by extreme vaginal discharges. Hawthorn has been shown to help as a sleep aid and boosts restful sleep.
This wonderful herb is thought to be especially effective in the beginning stages of heart disease, as well as speeding up the recovery time after a heart attack. It is also believed to strengthen a weak heart muscle associated with age, relieve pressure and tightness of the chest, ease angina and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), as well as mild cardiac arrhythmia. Hawthorn Berry is widely regarded in Europe as a safe and effective herbal treatment for the early stages of heart disease and is endorsed by Commission E that studies and approves this herbal remedy. The bioflavonoids found in Hawthorn interact with key enzymes in the heart to increase the pumping force of the heart muscle is one of the most valuable herbs for the heart and circulation.
This herbal supplement helps to reduce high blood pressure caused by hardening of the arteries and kidney disease. It has the ability to both lower high blood pressure and to bring low blood pressure back to normal. Studies suggest that Hawthorn Berry can be taken safely by people with hypertension who are also taking blood pressure medications.
Another benefit of Hawthorn liquid extract is that it harbors potent antioxidant properties, which are believed to exert cholesterol lowering effects and reduce the accumulation of fatty plaque in the arteries and improved blood flow to the heart. It has been used for the treatment of spasms of the arteries (as with Reynaud's disease). Hawthorn reduces cholesterol and is believed to help regulate blood pressure (both high and low).
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) may be helped by the use of Hawthorne. By increasing blood circulation to the brain and stopping inflammatory responses caused by allergies, the herb is believed to have a sedative effect on the central nervous system. People who suffer from anxiety, strain, pressure and tension benefit from Hawthorn because of its mild sedative properties. The sedative effect has also been used to treat insomnia and nervous tension. Hawthorn herbal remedies also provide a highly effective relaxing impact on the functioning of the nervous system, the herb helps with reducing extreme anxiety and stress, it will help in soothing mental frustration, it reduces restlessness along with decreases nervous palpitations.
Hawthorn Berry's high vitamin C content helps to strengthen tiny capillaries in the brain, opening them and resulting in more nutrients and oxygen reaching the brain. And in combination with Ginkgo, Hawthorn stimulates blood circulation to the brain, and herbalists have long used it to treat age-related forms of memory problems. Improved capillary health is also known to relieve conditions such as bloodshot eyes, glaucoma, hemorrhoids, swollen ankles and varicose and spider veins.
Hawthorn was used in quite a few Chinese medicines to help with the retention of meals inside the belly. Hawthorn's capabilities to break up fat also causes it to be useful for helping with indigestion that comes on as a result of eating greasy foods. It relieves abdominal distention and treats dyspepsia, diarrhea and is a good herbal remedy for dropsy.
Hawthorn Berry may be of great help for arthritis and osteoporosis. Hawthorn is said to stabilize the collagen in the bone itself, thereby helping to counter osteoporosis. Hawthorn has a chemical action that helps tone down inflammation. And while helping to protect collagen, it may slow down the progression of a chronic inflammatory disease. It also helps protect cells from premature aging.
Hawthorn is a powerful antioxidant which helps to destroy free radicals in the body. Free radicals are naturally occurring molecules which cannot be avoided; however, their presence is increased by environmental pollutants such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, ultraviolet light, radiation and even some prescription and non-prescription medications. Free radicals enter the body, destroy healthy cells and damage genetic material, increasing the likelihood of cancer and speeding the natural aging process.
Some research has claimed that this herb may be effective against certain serious diseases. Its rutin content is a bioflavonoid that appears to accelerate the death of leukemia cells and Burkitt's lymphoma and may also deactivate plasmin, a chemical that allows cancerous growths to spread throughout the body. The proanthocyanidins in the Berry "possess a higher degree of polymerization, a characteristic that reportedly increases antioxidant activity."
Nutrients: Amino acids, calcium, choline, chromium, essential fatty acids, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C. Drug interactions: Check with physician if on Digoxin.
Ingredients: Hawthorn Leaf and Flower, Structured Water, 20% Alcohol.
Non-Alcohol: Hawthorn Leaf and Flower, Structured Water, Vegetable Glycerin.
All of our ingredients are Certified Organic, Kosher, or Responsibly Wildcrafted. No genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are involved. All other products that are distributed by us meet our high-quality standards.
Instructions: Use 6-12 drops in juice, water, under the tongue or as desired. May be taken 3 times daily. Shake well. Store in cool dark place. Keep out of reach of children.
Contraindications: If diagnosed with angina, cardiac arrhythmias or congestive heart failure, use Hawthorn Berry only under the supervision of a physician. Large amounts (more than the recommended dosage) of Hawthorn Berry may result in sedation or dramatic drop in blood pressure. Signs of overdose include hypotension and arrhythmias. Using Hawthorn may potentiate the effects of some pharmaceutical heart medications - consult with your physician before using this product, as the medication dosage may need to be lowered. Use with caution in cases of colitis and ulcers. Children and pregnant or nursing women should not use Hawthorn Berry unless directed by a physician. Taking Hawthorn and medicines used to treat or prevent blood clots together may cause your blood to be too thin, making you bleed or bruise more easily. Also, taking Hawthorn and Sulfinpyrazone (which is used to treat gout and may also be used to treat certain blood diseases) together may cause your blood to be too thin.
Disclaimer: The information presented herein by New Way Herbs is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own healthcare provider.