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Gotu Kola Leaf (Centella asiatica)
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Used traditionally rejuvenate or boost energy, for endurance and mental clarity. May help alleviate fatigue and useful in nervous disorders and depression. Herbalist often used by herbalists for rheumatism, hepatitis, heart, circulation and UTI's.
Hydrangea Root (Hydrangea arborescens)
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Hydrangea is used for autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Cleans the urinary tract system and may help to prevent stone formation. Considered blood cleanser it has been found to help with lymphatic conditions.
Irish Moss (Chondrus crispus)
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High in vitamins and minerals, it is found to be useful for common cold symptoms. This seaweed has been used for diarrhea, ulcers and the entire intestinal tract. May be helpful for thyroid problems such as, goiter, weight gain. Used externally, for skin.
Isatis, (Isatis indigotica)
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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Isatis was used for centuries for its antiviral and antibiotic benefits.
Juniper Berries (Juniperus communis)
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Restores the pancreas, cleanses the urinary tract, reduces flatulence, tones the digestive system. Relieves gout, rheumatism, arthritis and joint pain. Helps with weight loss and for skin conditions. Used to expel worms and removes toxins from the blood.
Kelp-Atlantic (Ascophyllum nodosom)
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Helps restore balance to the thyroid gland, restores healthy hair, nails and skin. Lowers rates of obesity, heart conditions, arthritis, cancer and hypertension. Provides energy and stamina and is a viral protector. Used for herpes and AIDS complications.
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
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Helps relieve stress and nervousness. It is thought that the volatile oils in lemon balm contain chemicals that relax muscles, particularly in the bladder, stomach, and uterus, thereby relieving cramps, gas and nausea. Useful for high blood pressure.
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon itratus)
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Helps coughs and stomach issues due to colds and other viral infections. Acts as a sedative on the nervous system. Helps in arthritic or joint pain, headaches, muscle tension and toothache pain. Helps detoxify the liver, bladder, kidneys and other organs.
Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
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Stimulates the adrenal glands and helps with stress and depression. It has been used to clear the lungs, cleanse the colon and boost the immune system. With anti-properties, it has been used in the treatment of genital herpes, chicken pox and shingles.
Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii)
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Used to increase energy and support the immune system. It is believed to treat male impotence and is helpful for menopausal difficulties. Maca root has been used to enhance memory and increase endurance.
Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa)
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Has been used for obesity, regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, and inhibit the HIV/AIDS virus. It has also been used for stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, constipation and as a source of vitamins and minerals.
Mullein Leaf (Verbascum thapsus)
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For respiratory disorders, warts, headaches, earaches and intestinal cramps. It is used to promote a sound sleep and ease nervous tension. Externally, used to treat wounds, hemorroids, and soften the skin.
Myrrh Gum, aka Guggul (Commiphora molmol)
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A cleansing and healing herb similar to echinacea. It has been used to alleviate sore throat, bolster the immune system and relieve the pain of sinusitis. Also useful for sweetening the breath and treat gingivitis, thrush and periodontal disease.