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Eleuthero Root, aka Siberian Ginseng (Eleutheroccocus Senticosus)
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May help to improve cerebral circulation and detoxify the blood. Reduces fatigue and builds stamina. Supports the body's resistance to infection during physical or mental stress. Has been used for combatting depression, ADD and environmental sensitivity.
False Unicorn Root (Chamaelirium Luteum)
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May help to treat infertility issues in both males. Useful for symptoms of PMS and menopause. Used for weakness of the liver and kidneys. Useful for bad breath as the result of colds or flu. Eases nausea. May treat worms and parasites in the intestines.
Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare)
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Used traditionally for colic, cramps, gas and excessive mucus to loosen phlegm and ease cough and colds. Promotes functioning of the liver, kidneys and spleen. Found to be of help for weight loss by stimulating the metabolism and reducing water retention.
Fo Ti Root-He shou wu (Polygonum multiflorum)
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Used to increase energy and to maintain strength. May help to lower cholesterol levels and aid in digestion. This herb has been useful against transplant rejection. and autoimmune disease. Relieves anxiety/stress. Great for hair loss and graying hair.
Garlic Bulb (Allium sativum)
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Has been used traditionally as a anticoagulant, antifungal and blood purifier. May be effective in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. It has been shown to have antioxidant value and may help to fight off infections.
Gentian Root (Genetiana lutea)
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Has been used to stimulate the digestion and for liver gallbladder and stones. Effectively used for relieving heartburn and gas. One of the best herbs for states of exhaustion as well as the aches and pains of rheumatism and arthritis.
Ginger Root (Zingiber officinate)
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Ginger is a good part of a daily diet which can aid in food absorption. It has been used for diarrhea, motion sickness, cramps and morning sickness. It reduces inflammation and eases the pain of arthritis, headache, sore muscles and stiffness.
Ginseng Root/White Ginseng-Panax
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May help protect against radiation damage, stress, fatigue and high blood sugar. It has been used to treat viral infections, bronchitis, depression and digestive disorders and for reinforcing the spleen. Considered to be tranquilizing for the mind.
Goldenseal Root (Hydrastis canadensis)
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Goldenseal is a strong antimicrobial, a mild anti-inflammatory, and a digestive tonic. It makes an excellent skin wash for wounds and skin surfaces, such as in vaginal inflammation, eczema, abscesses and carbuncles. It is used for ear infection and gums.
Grapefruit Seed (Citrus paradisi) | Grapefruit Seed Extract
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Used to clear infection caused by virus, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. It has been used in the treatment of E. coli, strep, staph and salmonella poisoning. Useful for coughs, yeast infections, herpes, insect bites, HPV, plaque and bad breath.
Green Tea Tincture/Extract (Camellia sinensis)
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Green tea is thought to help prevent cancer, lower cholesterol levels, and as an appetite suppressant, and burns calories and fat. Prevents atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of heart disease, protects the liver from damaging toxins and fights tooth decay.
Hibiscus Flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
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For lowering cholesterol and reducing blood pressure. Shows great promise for treating Type-I diabetes. Lowers fevers and boosts the immune system. Promotes weight loss and prevents bladder infections. Softens skin and smooths wrinkles.
Hops Flower (Humulus lupulus)
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Hops has been used to relieve insomnia, anxiety, excitability and mild depression. It treats nervous or irritable coughs, IBS, toothaches, earaches, painful or absent menstruation and ulcers. It may protect the body with its anti-infective properties.