Blueberry Leaf (Vaccinium species)
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Useful for eczma and other skin conditions. Helpful to diabetics for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. The herbal extract is believed to improve brain function and prevent stroke. Reduces bad cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.
Borage Leaf (Borago officinalis)
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Beneficial for easing depression and help with ADHD and Alzheimer's disease. An adrenal tonic and gland balancer. Suppresses inflammation and helps ease arthritis and rheumatism. Relieves menstrual and menopausal problems. Restores vitality from illness.
Calamus Root (Acorus calamus)
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Has been used for disorders of the stomach, liver, and intestines. It has been used for common colds, bronchitis, asthma, and sinus infections. It is believed to energize brain function and calm the mind. Has been used for coma, epilepsy and convulsions.
Cat's Claw, aka Una de Gato (Uncaria tomentosa)
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Helps to lessen the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, PMS and irregularities of the menstrual cycle. Treats infections and a wide range of intestinal disorders. Supports healthy blood pressure levels. Has been used to treat herpes and ulcers.
Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum minimum) 40,000 HU
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Improves circulation, eases arthritic pain, cluster headaches. Eliminates plaque from the arteries, heals wounds and fights colds, speeds healing, boosts metabolism.
Celery Seed (Apium graveloens)
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Improves digestion, helpful for headaches, nervousness, insomnia, water retention, improves appetite. Stimulates sex drive. Excellent for pulmonary catarrh and deficiency diseases. Eases arthritis, swelling, joint pain, muscle spasms, gout, PMS symptoms .
Centaury Leaf (Centaurium erythraea)
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Used for strengthening the gallbladder, the digestive system, the stomach, ulcers, liver and the blood. Known for destroying lice and fading freckles. Used for suppressed menstruation, anemia, fevers, kidney function, and incontinence.
Chamomile Flower (Maticara recutita)
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Chamomile has immune boosting properties and is helpful for treating colds, sinusitis, staph and strep toxins. It also helps with menstrual cramps, headaches, neuralgia, backache, stress, anxiety, and ADD. Used to treat colic, ear infections, and diarrhea
Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa)
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World's highest-known source of chlorophyll. An excellent blood purifier that is effective in eliminating poisons, combatting colds and viral infections, and reversing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, liver disorders, high blood pressure and obesity.
Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum cassia)
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Used historically to help improve blood sugar levels in diabetics. Helps control uterine bleeding, and uterine infections, stops discharge and dries up diarrhea. Once used for aching muscles and symptoms of cold or flu. May help to lower LDL cholesterol.
Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis)
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Cordyceps has a broad range of action on respiratory issues, such as bronchitis, asthma, chronic cough, and has been used for kidney and liver disorders, as well as heart and blood related ailments. It is known to improve the immune system.
Couchgrass, aka Dog Grass (Agropyron repens)
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May be used with bladder problems and urinary infections such as cystitis, urethritis and prostatitis. Relieves sore throats, bronchitis, laryngitis, and clears infection. Alleviates rheumatism and gout. Eases urinary tract inflammation and infections.
Cramp Bark (Viburnum opulus)
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Used as a relaxant for muscle and cramping pains, also helpful for PMS and menstrual cramps. May prevent miscarriage. Useful for treating the symptoms of asthma. As a sedative it has been used to alleviate hypertension, anxiety, depression and hysteria.
Cumin Seed (Cuminum cyminum)
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Use to help with digestive disorders and to help balance blood sugars. It is used in natural medicine for inflammatory diseases and respiratory ailments. It has been used for psoriasis, eczema, dry skin and skin infections. Believed to boost immunity..
Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale)
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Highly nutritious blood purifier and liver tonic. Helps ease digestion and soothes upset stomach. A natural diuretic and thought to be good for blood pressure and promote healthy heart function. Used for psoriasis, eczema and acne.