Ingredients: Flor de Manita, Fenugreek ionized water, 30% alcohol
Botanical name: Chiranthodendron Pentadactylon
Origin: Mexico
Therapeutic actions: Anti-inflammatory, Diuretic, Stimulant
Nutrients: Iron
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: Flor De Manita is widely used to assist the heart in regulation of blood pressure.
Internal uses: This herb is called Hand flower tree or Devil's hand tree. These beautiful and interesting looking flowers grow on evergreen trees in Central and South America. The flower is commonly used to
treat nervousness, epilepsy, headaches, insomnia, depression, dizziness, pain, inflammation, ulcers, eye inflammation, piles and as a stimulant for heart problems. It has also been used to reduce water retention and cholesterol. It can also clean the arteries thereby supporting cardiovascular health. Aids in normal bowel function and supports regular blood sugar levels. It may provide relief for lower abdominal discomfort. It may also help with kidney function.
Botanical name: Trigonella foenum-graecum
Origin: India
Therapeutic actions: Anti-cholesterolemic; Anti-inflammatory; Anti-phlogistic; Anti-tumor; Cardiotonic; Carminative; Demulcent; Deobstruent; Diuretic; Emollient; Expectorant; Febrifuge; Galactogogue; Hypoglycemic; Hypotensive; Laxative; Mucilaginous; Parasiticide; Restorative.
Nutrients: Amino acids, calcium, choline, essential fatty acids, iron, lecithin, lysine, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, tryptophan, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, D and E.
Drug interactions: Interacts with Glipizide, Heparin, Ticlopidine, Warfarin. Supports interaction if on insulin.
Description: The seed is very nourishing and is one of the most efficacious tonics in cases of physical debility caused by anemia or by infectious diseases, especially where a nervous factor is involved. It is also
rich in phytoestrogens. It aids in hormone production and facilitates the development of the mammary glands that "feed" on estrogens. Research shows that the seeds can inhibit cancer of the liver, lower blood
cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Also may have an anti-diabetic effect.
Internal uses: Fenugreek Seed has been useful for all mucus conditions, lung congestion, ulcers and inflamed conditions of the stomach and intestines. It has been used as a lubricant for the intestines, as a
digestive aid, for fevers, diabetes, gout, and as an aphrodisiac and rejuvenator. It has also been used to stimulate mother's milk. Other uses: dissolves cholesterol, emphysema, migraines and allergies.
Disclaimer: The information presented herein by New Way Herbs is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own healthcare provider.