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Childbirth-5 Weeks Before Herbal Formula|Tinctures-Liquid Herbal Extracts & Benefits MAIN

Childbirth-5 Weeks Before|Compound Formula

Price: $28.52
SKU: 1093-02A
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The herbs contained in the combination have been used traditionally by women for centuries. They may be a useful tonic in the weeks leading up to your child's birth, (you should meet with your health practitioner before trying anything new), and have been proven to have a positive effect on women in labor. Most women who choose natural birth know that a little pain and discomfort are an intrinsic part of giving birth. With the right preparation and support, women can feel extremely empowered and deep sense of accomplishment. Contrary to popular belief, a natural birth does not have to mean enduring extreme pains and fatigue. These carefully selected herbs are natural pain-relievers and encourage relaxation during childbirth. They have also been shown to tone the uterus during the last 4 weeks of the pregnancy, to help stimulate regular contractions, and to prevent swelling and bleeding after birth. 

Red Raspberry leaf, in an extract or tea, is one of the safest and most commonly used herbs for women wanting to get pregnant and for women in their 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Red Raspberry Leaf acts as a relaxant for the smooth muscles of the uterus and intestine, and tones the uterus in the weeks before the birth. When these muscles are in tone, the leaves of Red Raspberry are very useful to bring on speedy contractions and for easing constipation, when the time is near. The idea is not so much to speed up the labor but to help it progress at a nice, steady pace. Because it takes several weeks to accumulate in the body, it is best to start taking the herb before you are overdue. The extract of Red Raspberry is useful for relieving the water retention and swelling that occurs during pregnancy and also helps to stop the bleeding after birth. After childbirth, Red Raspberry extract helps to shrink the uterus back down to its normal size and stimulate and enrich breast milk. Red Raspberry liquid extract is good for the body, it is extremely rich in healthy nutrients such as calcium, iron, manganese, niacin, magnesium, selenium, vitamin C, A, E, B, and potassium. The leaves are astringent and so are helpful for easing false labor pains, morning sickness, nausea, dysmenorrhea, viral infections such as colds, and fever.

Blue Cohosh contains powerful properties that aid in a quick and easy birthing experience. Thus, it should not be used until the last weeks of pregnancy. Blue Cohosh is an oxytocic herb, meaning it mimics the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions. It has been indicated when contractions are feeble and progressing slowly if the cervix is not dilating and rigid. Because Blue Cohosh tinctures could induce labor, it should never be taken in early pregnancy, as it may induce a miscarriage. 

Motherwort, as its name implies, is often used in conjunction with childbirth. And some women begin taking it late in their pregnancy to gear up for labor and to promote relaxation and relieve stress. Motherwort is widely recognized for its relaxing effects on the body and it has a long history as a tonic for calming the nerves. Valerian root tinctures have been touted as a good sleep aid, but its real strength lies in its calmative and relaxant properties. Overstimulation comes in many forms, and Motherwort liquid extract has a hypotensive action that is, reportedly, three times more powerful than that of pure Valerian root extract. Motherwort tinctures seem to be far better at calming a nervous head, body, and spirit if you are experiencing difficult times, and more effective for gaining peace and comfort when it is most needed. 

False Unicorn is most widely used as an aid for normalization of the female reproductive system. The herb is widely believed to be an ovarian and uterine tonic, and an emmenagogue that may promote hormonal balance and support hepatic and digestive function. Our hormones can rage out of control during pregnancy. As the body goes through changes associated with the fetus growing inside your body, estrogen and progesterone surge. This can affect your mood and make you feel sleepy, as well as trigger food cravings and increase your sex drive. False unicorn root tincture helps normalize the ovaries and ease this imbalance of hormones. False Unicorn Root supplies rare trace minerals including sulfur, copper, cadmium, and cobalt, and has been used by women to treat a number of complaints. The herb is said to be helpful in cases of early menopause, after hysterectomy or to restart the system after years of contraception. As a digestive, False Unicorn extract has been used to ease dyspepsia, nausea, colic and small amounts may be taken during a  pregnancy to relieve morning sickness. The rhizomes of False Unicorn root tincture may reduce the chances of miscarriage, even after hemorrhaging and contractions have begun. False Unicorn has been used specifically to correct uterine prolapse and to tighten a loose cervix. Other medicinal uses for this liquid herbal remedy include the treatment of venereal diseases, such as gonorrhea, and the bad breath associated with the common cold, sore throat.

Wild Yam Root has been identified as a relaxant, antispasmodic and an excellent remedy for painful menstruation, vomiting during pregnancy and the uterine pain experienced by some pregnant women. It has also been recommended for treating sore breasts and water retention or swelling, to relax and ease muscle pains. Wild Yam root extracts contain diosgenin, a plant-based form of estrogen that can be chemically converted into progesterone, therefore alternative health practitioners have used the herbal tincture as a treatment for PMS and menopause-related complaints, such as night sweats, sexual dysfunction, and hot flashes.

Bayberry bark extract has been used to reduce fever, aid circulation, clear congestion and has been touted as being an excellent herb for all female organs. It has been used over the years for many different types of ailments including stress reduction, helping with a nervous stomach, to relieve headaches, sore throat, coughs, diarrhea and for heavy menstrual bleeding. Bayberry is an inhibitor of DHT, affecting it at a cellular level. The flavonoid contained in the herbal tincture was shown to exhibit an antioxidant effect on oxidation of LDL from cholesterol. Bayberry bark is both an astringent and a stimulant that has been valued in debilitated and catarrhal conditions of the mucous membranes. Bayberry extracts to aid in the processes of digestion, blood-making and good nutrition, as well. It has been recommended for any kind of hemorrhage, from the lungs or gastrointestinal tract and in menorrhagia. Bayberries can stimulate sluggish uterine contractions during labor while at the same time, prevent post-partum hemorrhaging. Bayberry bark extract has been traditionally prescribed for liver conditions and insomnia, and as an astringent to dry and tighten tissue. Bayberry extract is a strong herbal stimulant that brings a sense of heat and vitality to the body, toning all tissues it contacts and has been especially beneficial for uterine and vaginal health.

Squaw Vine, as its name implies, has been used by Native American women for centuries before delivery to ensure a safe and easy birth. And it has been found today, to be most beneficial in natural childbirth for strengthening the uterus, helping to prevent miscarriage and to relieve congestion of the uterus or ovaries. Its antiseptic properties make it valuable for treating vaginal infections and as a natural sedative for the nerves. It is most commonly used in combination with Red Raspberry leaf extract to prepare the body for childbirth and is generally taken in the last weeks of pregnancy before birth and during labor, to reduce labor pains. Women use Sqaw vine tincture for other female issues, such as menstrual pain and cramping, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and practically all uterine complaints. As a tonic, it tones strengthens and invigorates organs, giving an overall sense of well-being.

Blessed Thistle, when used in the latter stage of pregnancy, is beneficial as a liver tonic, blood builder and also reduces hemorrhaging during childbirth and postpartum hemorrhaging. It is also a stimulant of blood flow to the breasts and promotes the flow of milk in new mothers. Blessed thistle extracts can be taken to relieve painful periods and menstrual headaches, and it helps to bring on delayed menstruation. Blessed thistle tinctures also have antidepressant effects and have been said to remove dark or suicidal feelings and lift depression. The herb has been used traditionally to stimulate stomach acid secretion and beneficial in the treatment of gas or indigestion. A bitter, Blessed thistle extract also has activities against several different types of bacteria and viruses, as well as being an antimicrobial. It has been used in the treatment of flatulent dyspepsia, ulcers, diarrhea, bronchial catarrh, HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus.

As an herbal remedy, Ginger Root extracts are prized for their ability to significantly decrease the occurrence and severity of motion sickness and nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Ginger roots have powerful medicinal properties, it contains phenols such as gingerols and shogals, that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It has been used to decrease inflammation and provides pain relief in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, migraine headaches and sore throats. 

Cayenne pepper, capsicum, is a catalyst in almost any herbal combination and has been used to strengthen remedies. Cayenne has been very successful in stopping internal and external bleeding, and so it has been used to stop hemorrhaging during or after childbirth. Cayenne has many medicinal benefits and has amazing actions on the heart and lungs. It has been known to stop a heart attack in seconds and respiratory failure in newborns. It is unequaled for warding off diseases and it equalizes blood circulation. It has been referred to as a "Supreme and harmless internal disinfectant" and is beneficial for problems of the stomach, lungs, and kidneys. Capsicum is also very helpful for digestive upsets and has been used successfully in the treatment of diarrhea, flu symptoms, and other disorders. Capsicum is rich in vitamins A, C, iron, and calcium and it also contains vitamin G, B-complex, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, and potassium. 

Ingredients: Red Raspberry Leaf, Blue Cohosh Root, Motherwort, False Unicorn Root, Wild Yam Root, Bayberry Bark, Squaw Vine Leaf, Blessed Thistle Leaf, Ginger Root, Cayenne Root, Structured Water, 20% Alcohol.

Non-Alcohol: Red Raspberry Leaf, Blue Cohosh Root, Motherwort, False Unicorn Root, Wild Yam Root, Bayberry Bark, Squaw Vine Leaf, Blessed Thistle Leaf, Ginger Root, Cayenne Root, Structured Water, and Vegetable Glycerin.

All of our ingredients are Certified Organic, Kosher, or Responsibly Wildcrafted. No genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are involved. All other products that are distributed by us meet our high-quality standards.   

Instructions:  Use 6-30 drops in juice, water, under the tongue, or as desired. May be taken 3 times daily. Shake well. Store in cool, dark place. Keep out of reach of children. 

Contraindications: Consult with your health provider before taking any herb. This formula has been used to facilitate an easier labor experience and should only be taken in small amounts in order to support the natural process of birth. 

Disclaimer: The information presented herein by New Way Herbs is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own healthcare provider. 
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.