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Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
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Helps relieve stress and nervousness. It is thought that the volatile oils in lemon balm contain chemicals that relax muscles, particularly in the bladder, stomach, and uterus, thereby relieving cramps, gas and nausea. Useful for high blood pressure.
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon itratus)
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Helps coughs and stomach issues due to colds and other viral infections. Acts as a sedative on the nervous system. Helps in arthritic or joint pain, headaches, muscle tension and toothache pain. Helps detoxify the liver, bladder, kidneys and other organs.
Memory Stimulant|Liquid Herbal Formula #1288
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Memory Stimulant for brain circulation, oxygenates cerebral cortex, improves recall, increases mental alertness, and anti-aging herbs. Contains: Ginkgo Leaf, Gotu Kola, Eleuthrococcus Senticosus, Fo Ti Root. Available in Alcohol and Non-Alcohol Formulas.
Oat Grain (Avena sativa)
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Used to strengthen the nervous system, relieving stress, strain and helps to calm the emotions. Nourishes the endocrine system, the skin and hair, Used to help stabilize blood sugar, reduce pain, ease eyestrain, relieve headaches and strengthen bones.
Oat Straw (Avena sativa)
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A restorative nerve tonic, for dealing with depression and energy deficiency. Beneficial for high cholesterol levels, and for heart health. High in calcium, useful for strong bones, nails, and hair. Helpful in supporting a healthy hormonal system.
Passionflower Leaf (Passiflora incarnata)
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A powerful relaxant for the nervous system and is important in the treatments of anxiety, tension, insomnia and for those coming off of tranquilizers. It is used to relieve headache, nerve pain, shingles and painful menstruation.
Peppermint Leaf (Mentha piperita)
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Has been used for digestive complaints of all kinds including IBS, dyspepsia, colonic muscle spasms, constipation. Used externally it makes a soothing rub for muscle tension, pains, strains, facial neuralgia and migraines. Helps respiratory conditions.
Red Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
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Used for boosting the immune system to help the body fight off disease. Shown to be effective against AIDS virus and advance-stage cancers. Said to decrease the pain of neuralgia and shingles. Helpful for conditions of the liver and respiratory system.
Rosemary Leaf (Rosmarinus officinalis)
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Strengthens the memory, decreases flatulence, strengthener of fragile blood vessels, relief of headaches, stimulates the nervous system. Has been used to improve circulation and may restore a youthful glow, It is believed to prevent baldness.
Sage Leaf (Salvia officinalis)
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Stimulates the nervous system and the digestive tract. A memory strengthener, it is said to have many anti-aging qualities. Used to quiet nerves, relieve spasms, induce sleep and combat depression and mental exhaustion. Used for suppressed menstruation.
Schizandra Berry (Schisandra chinensis)
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Increases energy and helps the body heal itself. It strengthens the digestive organs and immune system. It protects against free radical damage and viral and bacterial infections. It has been very effective for protecting the liver from toxins.
Skullcap, aka Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
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An excellent tonic for the nervous system, relieving stress and anxiety. Relieves "women's complaints. Useful for drug withdrawal. Helps treat insomnia, night terrors, hysteria, restlessness and nervous headaches. Relieves IBS and cramps due to stress.
Skunk Cabbage Root (Symplocarpus foetidus)
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Used for respiratory ailments, coughs, hay fever, asthma, bronchial problems, congestion. It has been used to treat hysteria, nervous irritability and other nervous disorders, Used for wounds, burns, Has been useful in treating epilepsy and convulsions.
Spearmint Leaf (Mentha viridis)
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Helps with upset stomach, heartburn, IBS, bowel pains and nausea. A great support for the lower bowel. Used to relieve menstrual cramps and a diuretic rids the body of excess water. Used to ease coughs and asthma, lower fevers and treat colds.
Spleen Formula|Compound Formula
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A natural herbal formula that contains:Scullcap, Passionflower, Valerian, Mistletoe, Hops, Sarsparilla, Kava Kava, Catnip, Cramp Bark, Ginger, Red Clover, Cayenne, Lobelia, St. John's Wort, Borage, Gotu Kola, Wild Lettuce, Motherwort and American Ginseng