This is a very effective during withdrawals from smoking. It should also help ease cravings by calming the nervous system, which can affect the body both physically and emotionally.
Ingredients: Oatstraw, Oatstraw Tops, Green Tea, Ginseng (Red), St John's wort, Catnip, Valerian root.
Botanical name: Avena sativa
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions: Anti-cholesterolemic; Antispasmodic; Anti-depressant; Cancer; Cardiac; Diuretic; Emollient; Nervine; Nutritive; Sudorific; Stimulant.
Nutrients: Calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and E.
Drug Interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: Mainly used as a nerve tonic, for insomnia, depression and for treating high Triglycerides.
Internal uses: Provides very high nutrition and helps to nourish the debilitated nervous system. It is very useful for those who are exhausted and for convalescence. Also been used to treat anxiety and helps with nicotine withdrawal.
Suggested Dosage: Tincture- 3-5 ml 3 times daily.
Botanical name: Camellia sinensis
Origin: USA/China
Therapeutic actions: Astringent; Antioxidant; Anti-bacterial; Anti-tumor; Cardiotonic; Expectorant; Diuretic; Stimulant.
Nutrients: Amino acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and C.
Drug interactions: Interacts with Acetaminophen, Codeine, Altropine, Cardec, Codeine, Ephedrine and Pseudoephredrine, Lomotil/Lonox, Theophylline/Aminophylline, Warfarin.
Description: In Chinese herbalism, it is one of the 50 fundamental herbs. Two of the many health benefits to drinking tea are to protect the heart from certain diseases and protect the teeth from decay.
Internal uses: It has been used internally in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis and gastro-enteritis. Also good for atherosclerosis, cervical dysplasia, cancer preventative, cholesterol, flu, leukoplakia, weight loss, Crohn's disease, triglycerides and hives. One of the most common herbal remedies used to control cravings associated with
smoking. The components of green tea are also said to help reduce the urge to smoke.
CAUTION: Excessive use can lead to dizziness, constipation, indigestion, palpitations and insomnia.
Botanical name: Panax ginseng
Origin: China
Therapeutic actions: Adaptogen; Anti-cancer; Anti-aging; Anti-inflammatory; Hypoglycemic; Tonic; Vasodilator.
Drug interactions: May interact with Warfarin and Ticlopidine.
Description: Much like the American Ginseng.
Internal uses: Ginseng is one of the most popular herbs in the world for helping to relieve symptoms associated with smoking withdrawal. It has been used for improving the immune system, circulatory system, heart function and weak digestion. Other uses: HIV, flu, lung cancer, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, male infertility and chronic fatigue.
CAUTION: It should not be taken when there are headaches, hypertension, hot flashes or anxiety. Not recommended for pregnant or breast feeding women.
Botanical name: Hypericum perforatum
Origin: Chile/Bulgaria
Therapeutic actions: Analgesic; Anthelmintic; Antiseptic; Antispasmodic; Aromatic; Astringent; Cholagogue; Digestive; Diuretic; Emmenogogue; Expectorant; Febrifuge; Nervine; Resolvent; Sedative; Stimulant; Vermifuge; Vulnerary.
Nutrients: Vitamin C.
Drug Interactions: Nefazodone, Omerprazole, Oral Contraceptives, Paroxetine, Atazanavir, Benzatiqzepines, Chemotherapy, Cyclosporine, Digoxin, Fexofenadine, Fluoxetine, Gluvoxamine, Fosamprenavir, HMG-COA Reductase Inhibitors, Indinavir, Pehnelzine. Sertraline, Theophylline/Aminophylline, Trazadone, Tricyclic Anti-
depressants, Ventafaxine and Warafin.
Description: St. JohnWort is specific for the nervous system.
Internal uses: This potent herb is used worldwide to control nicotine cravings. It has been used for neuralgia, coccygeal pains, nerve injuries, HIV support and it calms the nervous system to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia and bedwetting. It has also been healing for stomach disorders, gastritis, bronchitis, gout, arthritis and menstrual cramps. Other uses: overall tonic, for chronic uterine problems, after pains of childbirth, jaundice, diarrhea, catarrh and colic. The oil extract is used for healing burns, wounds, sores, bruises, skin problems and sciatica. Also has
been used for cold sores and ulcerative colitis.
Suggested Dosage: Tincture- 500--1050 mg daily.
CAUTION: Use of this herb may cause photosensitivity in some individuals. Do not use if pregnant.
Botanical name: Nepeta cataria
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions: Antispasmodic; Anti-tussive; Astringent; Anodyne; Antispasmodic; Antacid; Carminative; Diaphoretic; Emmenagogue; Nervine; Refrigerant; Relaxant; Sedative; Stimulant; Stomachic; Tonic.
Nutrients: Calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C.
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: Catnip is one of the oldest household remedies. Taken as a hot infusion, Catnip promotes sweating and is beneficial for colds, flu's, fevers and infectious childhood diseases. Also good for cancer, toothache,
corns and hives.
Internal uses: Catnip is one of the most popular herbs to ease withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking It is soothing to the nervous system and calming to the stomach, helps with insomnia. It aids with flatulence, diarrhea and colic. It is sometimes used as an enema to cleanse and heal the lower bowel (use in diluted form). Catnip helps to prevent miscarriage and premature birth as well as relieves morning sickness and insomnia.
Botanical name: Valeriana officinalis
Origin: USA/Croatia
Therapeutic actions: Antispasmodic; Anodyne; Cathartic; Carminative; Diaphoretic; Diuretic; Hypnotic; Nervine; Sedative; Stimulant; Tonic.
Nutrients: Calcium, choline, essential fatty acids, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C.
Drug Interactions: No known Drug Interactions.
Description: It is known for its sedative effect on the central nervous system
Internal uses: It has been used for anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia and general stress symptoms. Although it is a strong nervine, it leaves the person feeling refreshed rather than sluggish. It has been used for difficulties falling asleep due to nervousness. Valerian can be used for the eyesight if it is weakened by a lack of energy in the optic nerve. It has some influence on the heart and circulation, as it increases the force of the heart and yet slows it down, being used for cardiac palpitations. Other include: hysteria, fatigue, menstrual cramps, muscle spasms, promotes
menstruation, hypochondria, neuralgic pains, St. Vitus; Dance, flatulence, muscle spasms, spastic and irritable bowel (IBS), nervous dyspepsia, stomach cramps, fever, colds, heartburn, hangover, stress, arthritis, acne, ulcers, dandruff and pain. It is NOT for everyone and tends to be overused because of its success with certain individuals.
Suggested Dosage: Tincture- 5 ml 30-60 min before bedtime.
CAUTION: Should only be used short term and in normal doses; otherwise, it may cause headaches, muscular spasm and palpitations and mental depression in some individuals. Do not use if have
preexisting liver disease.