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Kava Kava Root (Piper methysticum)
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For anxiety, stress, insomnia, muscle tension. Relieves arthritis, gout and rheumatism. An antispasmodic this herb relaxes muscle tension.
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
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Helps relieve stress and nervousness. It is thought that the volatile oils in lemon balm contain chemicals that relax muscles, particularly in the bladder, stomach, and uterus, thereby relieving cramps, gas and nausea. Useful for high blood pressure.
Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum capillus veneris)
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It has been used for respiratory and urinary disorders. Found to be useful for helping to clear up coughs, and for congestion, and hoarseness. Provides relief from PMS symptoms and relieves painful, excessive mentruation.
Marjoram (Origanum majorana)
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Soothes minor digestive upsets, infant colic, severe stomach cramps, spasms and painful menstruation. Believed to help maintain proper blood pressure levels and helpful for hypertension and nervous disorders. An expectorant, it helps to ease coughs.
Mullein Leaf (Verbascum thapsus)
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For respiratory disorders, warts, headaches, earaches and intestinal cramps. It is used to promote a sound sleep and ease nervous tension. Externally, used to treat wounds, hemorroids, and soften the skin.
Nettle Root (Urtica dioica)
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For allergies, arthritis, BPH, excessive bleeding, hair loss, hypertension, inflammation, prostatitis. This herb is uplifting for a weary body, relieve fatigue and exhaustion.
Osha Root (Ligusticum porteri)
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Used for viral infections, coughs, chest problems, and sore throat. It's numbing effects are helpful for toothache pain. It stimulates the uterus and helps bring on menstruation. It has been used for skin wounds for prevention of infection.
Peach Leaf (Prunus persica)
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Stimulates the flow of urine, calms nervousness, and helps with chest congestion. Effective for burns, wounds, venomous insect bites and allergic reactions. Also a wonderful remedy for eczema, fungal infections and boils. Use to condition hair for growth.
Peach Tree Bark (Prunus persica)
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Great for the immune system. Stimulates urine flow, increases circulation and cleanses toxins from the blood. Effective for morning sickness and nausea. May be beneficial for jaundice and dropsy. Works for bad breath, constipation and headache pain.
Plantain Leaf (Plantago major)
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Has been used for chest congestion and other respiratory ailments. It is helpful for bed wetting and incontinence. Useful for rashes and eczema, psoriasis and shrinks hemorrhoids. Used for easing the itch of bug bites and poisonous plants.
Prickly Pear Cactus, aka Nopal (Opuntia)
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Is believed to help cleanse the bladder and lymphatic system. Beneficial for lowering sugar levels in the blood, cholesterol and fats in the blood. Has been used to relieve hangovers, nausea, loss of appetite and dry mouth.
Rosemary Leaf (Rosmarinus officinalis)
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Strengthens the memory, decreases flatulence, strengthener of fragile blood vessels, relief of headaches, stimulates the nervous system. Has been used to improve circulation and may restore a youthful glow, It is believed to prevent baldness.