Ingredients: Yellow dock, Pau D'Arco, Red beet root, Barberry root, Parsley leaf, Kelp, Alfalfa, ionized water, 30% grain alcohol
Botanical name: Rumex crispus
Origin: India
Therapeutic actions: Alterative; Anti-scorbutic; Anti-scrofulus; Astringent; Anti-cancer; Anti-syphilitic; Cathartic; Cholagogue; Depurative; Detergent; Laxative; Nutritive; Tonic
Nutrients: Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc,
vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C.
Drug Interactions: No known Drug Interactions.
Description: Yellow Dock is an excellent blood-builder as its iron content is easily digestible and it contains up to 40% iron.
Internal uses: It has been useful for anemia and iron-deficiency symptoms. As a blood cleanser, it has often been used for the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis, herpes, eruptions, eczema and acne. Yellow Dock has a stimulating effect on the liver and has been used for liver/gallbladder diseases.
Botanical name: Tabebuia heptaphylla
Origin: Brazil
Therapeutic actions: Anti-bacterial; Blood purifier; Immuno-stimulant.
Nutrients: Beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C.
Drug Interactions: No known Drug Interactions.
Description: It has been used in South America for centuries. It was used by the ancient Aztecs and the Incas as one of their major medicinal herbs. It has a healing effect on the entire body as it cleanses the blood and kills viruses.
Botanical name: Beta vulgaris rubra
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions: Blood-builder; Nutritive.
Description: Red Beet Root a good source of iron. Its natural color makes it an excellent indicator of bowel transit time. It is a blood builder and a cleanser.
Internal uses: It has been used to cleanse the liver, kidney and bladder. It clears toxic waste out of the system
Botanical name: Berberis vulgaris
Origin: USA/India
Therapeutic actions: Anti-bacterial; Anti-oxidant; Anti-inflammatory; Alterative; Anthelmintic; Anti-pruritic; Anti-
rheumatic; Antiseptic; Appetizer; Astringent; Antacid; Aperitive; Anti-cancer; Bitter; Blood Purifier; Cholagogue; Diaphoretic;
Diuretic; Expectorant; Hepatic; Hypotensive; Laxative; Ophthalmic; Purgative; Refrigerant; Resolvant; Stomachic; Tonic.
Botanical name: Berberis vulgaris
Origin: USA/India
Nutrients: Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc vitamins B1,
B2, B3 and C.
Drug interactions: Interacts with Doxycycline. Check with doctor before using Tetracycline with Barberry.
Description: It is one of the best liver herbs. Internal uses: It has been used for biliousness, liver trouble, loss of appetite, enlarged spleen, constipation, jaundice, diarrhea, anemia and blood building.
Botanical name: Petroselinum sativum
Origin: USA/Egypt
Therapeutic actions: Anti-dandruff; Antispasmodic; Aperient; Birthing aid; Anti-cancer; Carminative; Digestive; Diuretic;
Emmenagogue; Expectorant; Febrifuge; Galactogogue; Kidney; Ophthalmic; Skin; Stings; Stomachic; Tonic; Vulnerary.
B1, B2,B3, B5, C and E.
Description: It has been useful for chronic liver and gallbladder diseases. The roots act most readily on the kidneys in comparison to other parts of the plant. Parsley leaves are the traditional antidote for garlic pungent smell. It is considered a strong diuretic.
Botanical name: Ascophyllum nodosum
Origin: Canada
Therapeutic actions: Nutritive.
Nutrients: Contains thirty trace and major minerals including: Iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, silicon, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3, A, C, E, G, S and K.
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: Beneficial for the thyroid and mineral deficiencies.
Internal uses: Aids both the pituitary and the adrenal glands. It promotes glandular health and is rich in
Botanical name: Medicago sativa
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions: Anti-inflammatory; Anti-fungal; Alterative; Anodyne; Anti-pyretic; Anti-rheumatic; Anti-scorbutic;
Aperitive; Diuretic; Depurative; Galactogogue; Stomachic; Tonic.
Nutrients: All the known vitamins and minerals with higher amounts of calcium, folate, iron, magnesium,
phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, E, K and all the essential amino acids. It is high in
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: Alfalfa has been useful to generate energy and endurance. It has also helped to alkalize and detoxify the body.
Internal uses: Proven to have a cholesterol lowering effect; has been helpful in the treatment of arthritis, used as a blood builder, blood purifier and in the treatment of cancer. It helps to bind and eliminate carcinogens from the body. It may reduce tissue damage from radiation therapy. Strengthens the blood and liver.