Lovage, Ligusticum sinense, belongs to the parsley family and has been used mainly as an aid for digestion, as a carminative for flatulence, and for sweetening the breath. Traditional use has been as a diuretic, easing urinary conditions, and it is thought to be useful for dissolving and preventing kidney stones, as well as for water retention. Lovage is also diaphoretic and it can excite perspiration and sweating. This action may help to cool the body and relieve intermittent fevers and help to clear the body of toxins through the skin. As an aid for women, it has shown to stimulate blood flow and give comfort during painful menstruation. Levisticum officinale is believed to be a natural blood cleanser and has been sometimes used as a natural treatment for skin eruptions, gout, arthritis, and rheumatism. In folk medicine, it was used as a treatment for malaria, pleurisy, migraine headaches, boils and sore throats. Lovage contains quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory qualities that may be useful as a natural remedy for allergies.
The most popular health benefit of the herb is its use as a diuretic for urinary conditions. Traditionally, it is considered to be especially useful as a natural treatment for kidney stones and gravel, as well as for fluid retention. Extracts of Lovage are known for the cleansing effects and for the removal of waste products from the urinary tract. It is also believed to purify the blood and may be beneficial for those who are suffering from conditions such as rheumatism, arthritis, and gout.
It has a reputation as a 'body cleanse' and a weight loss herb. A bittersweet, sedative herb, it benefits digestion, eases indigestion, improves the appetite and reduces flatulence. Both ancient Greek writers and modern pharmacologists have extolled the benefits of the herb's power to relieve gas and griping (the grumbling and pain associated with gas).
As an aid for women, Lovage is a uterine stimulant and considered a good emmenagogue, to induce menstruation and help regulate flow. This quality can help to relieve dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). It is relaxing to the uterine muscles and can help ease menstrual cramps, even severe cramping that is often experienced with endometriosis. It is also a nervous system tonic that helps to calm the overactive brain cells that cause symptoms such as irritability, anger, agitation, and aggression. Its analgesic qualities may help to release tension headache pain and agonizing migraines.
Although it is not classically recognized as a heart tonic, it has recently been discovered that Ligusticum tincture provides many benefits for the heart muscle. It is believed to significantly enhance myocardial circulation and is now widely used clinically in China for the treatment and prevention of heart disease. It is related to Dang Gui, aka, Angelica, with its components and is generally warming for the circulation.
Lovage is a diaphoretic this action helps to cool the body and increasing perspiration helps clear the body of toxins through the skin. Used externally, it is beneficial for skin problems and is said to be effective against many disease-causing organisms. It has also been used for healing canker sores, or aphthous ulcers, in the mouth.
Ingredients: Lovage, Structured Water, 20% Alchohol
Non-Alcohol: Lovage, Structured Water, Vegetable Glycerin.
Instructions: Use 6 to 12 drops in water, juice, under the tongue or as desired. May be taken up to 3 times a day. Store in a cool, dark place. Keep out of reach of children.
Contraindications: May cause uterine stimulation, miscarriage or premature labor, so it should be avoided during pregnancy. It should not be taken by those who are experiencing renal failure or renal inflammation, as it contains furanocoumarins, however, reactions to this herb are almost never encountered when Lovage is used properly. Excessive use (many times the recommended dosage) may cause kidney damage. Individuals who suffer from kidney ailments or edema caused by heart or kidney disease, should not take Lovage.
Disclaimer: The information presented herein by New Way Herbs is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own healthcare provider.