Chlorella is the world's highest known source of chlorophyll, and it is also one of the most nutritious substances on earth. Loaded with vitamins, important minerals, and nucleic acid, rich green algae is truly a gift of nature that is virtually a complete food. Chlorella is a powerful detoxification aid for heavy metals and other pesticides, cleansing the bloodstream. When all of our bodies' systems are functioning well, we are able to eliminate poisons, repair damage, combat colds and ward off viruses and disease. Taken internally it may detoxify and cleanse the wastes Chlorella pyrenoidosa is effective for a variety of health conditions, including all types of cancer, diabetes, liver disorders, cardiovascular ailments, hypertension, skin problems, digestive conditions, kidney conditions and tissue detoxification. Chlorophyll's nucleic and amino acid profile also meets the protein needs of our brain and may stimulate healthier growth in small children. Chlorella's purification abilities, natural defense protection, and wholesome nutrition can benefit everyone, the young the old, the healthy and ill, and is clearly a superfood that can be included as part of everyone's diet.
The single-celled, green algae is a rich and balanced source of nutrients that are essential to good health and are sometimes deficient in today's diet of processed and refined foods. Chlorella contains high levels of chlorophyll, beta-carotene, and RNA/DNA when being compared with other whole foods. More than 20 vitamins and minerals are found in Chlorella including iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, pro-vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 and B12, biotin, folic acid, inositol, plus vitamins C, E, and K. It's superior protein content provides all the dietary essential amino acids in excellent ratios. Chlorella is a reliable source of essential fatty acids that are required for biochemical functions, including hormone balance. It helps to strengthen the immune system by enhancing natural killer (NK) cells to fight the invasion of unhealthy cells that can cause serious ailments.
Chlorophyll-rich foods have been shown to stop bacterial growth, counteract yeast and fungi and detoxify the body of drugs and carcinogens, and it is also believed to counteract the toxic effects of modern western dietary habits. In a long-term study, children that took Chlorella had healthy teeth and no cavities, were much less prone to colds and enjoyed improved intellectual capacity. The children chosen for the study were smaller than they should have been for their age and even grew taller than others in the control group who were not given this supplement.
Chlorella binds to heavy metals and eliminates them from the body. This wonderful algae has been used medicinally to extract mercury, cadmium, lead and other heavy metals from the body as well as PCB, chemical compounds used in plastics, insulation, flame retardant, and DDT, that have the potential to cause cancer or liver damage. This detoxification of heavy metals and other chemical toxins in the blood will take 3 to 6 months to build up enough to begin this process depending on how much Chlorella a person is taking. It is often used to treat radiation sickness and to reduce the side effects of cancer radiation treatment. Chlorella is a food and it is almost impossible to take too much of it.
If you are interested in reducing body fat, getting cholesterol levels under control and staying clear of diabetes, then Chlorella may just be the perfect super food to do it. Chlorella contains important Omega-3 and alpha-linolenic acids, which is probably why it is so good at reducing blood cholesterol levels in the body. Chlorella is a great source of fiber and encourages the growth of beneficial microflora which may be helpful for those who are trying to lose weight or maintain their ideal weight. Chlorella can stimulate and normalize an underactive bowel and thereby assist in the treatment of constipation. The high chlorophyll content is thought to detoxify the body and to promote colon health. Chlorella is said to be helpful in cases of ulcerative colitis because disease-causing bacteria seem to find it difficult to live in the presence of chlorophyll.
By nourishing the liver, Chlorella is said to help promote healthy liver function, and its ability to eliminate toxins in the liver further protects it from malfunctions. Its ability to support and maintain healthy blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels may also boost liver metabolism. Its high chlorophyll content makes it ideal for cleansing the blood stream and the elimination channels, ensuring metabolic wastes are carried away from the tissues. It also cleanses the breath and reduces body odor. Chlorella extracts also help to decrease urine and fecal odors due to incontinence.
Chlorella can be used as an anti-aging supplement to feed the center of our vitality. It is cleansing and energizing to body with its antioxidants, multi-vitamins, and minerals to fight against free radicals, which are the robbers of healthy cells and our aging factors. Chlorella is an alkaline food, which means it counters acidity. This promotes increased bone mass since the body does not have to sacrifice minerals from the bones to create proper acid/alkaline balance. The consumption of alkaline foods has been linked to improved immune function, kidney function, higher energy levels and lower allergic responses.
New mutant viruses which can rapidly damage the DNA of healthy human cells are increasing worldwide. For years, scientists have been examining this humble, two-billion-year-old plant, whose hardiness is a tribute to its unusually effective DNA repair mechanisms. This super DNA repair ability is important to its healing effects for people with current or latent viral infections.
Japenese researchers have found that Chlorella has excellent anti-tumor properties and can prolong the lives of animals with cancer in studies. At a World Congress meeting in France, scientists reported that it could activate white blood cells to fight cancer. Chronically ill people, especially those with cancer, often have depressed levels of helper cells and elevated levels of suppressor cells in their blood. High amounts of Chlorella extract taken orally for 6 weeks have been shown to reverse this blood ratio in some people. Chlorella actually stimulates the body's own immune system so the body can fight cancer better.
It is effective against anemia and the stimulation of red blood cells assures proper transport of oxygen to the brain. The high RNA/DNA contents of Chlorella can prevent mental deterioration, but they also supply us with the nucleic acids for cell rejuvenation, growth, and repair, DNA is a chemical activator for new cells and helps to initiate aging reversal. The nutrients found in Chlorella may boost brain function and effectively increase mental capacity, and offers good hope for protection against the damage of brain cells caused by environmental toxins.
The use of anti-aging foods high in DNA/RNA content has been found to be for health problems such as heart disease, emphysema, arthritis, dimming vision, and depression, seemingly making the blues disappear. But beyond this, it was found that by supplying the body with nucleic acids, people can look and feel younger, from 6 to 12 years, younger than they actually are. This has sometimes been referred to as the fountain of youth.
Ingredients: Chlorella, Vegetable Glycerin.
All of our ingredients are Certified Organic, Kosher, or Responsibly Wildcrafted. No genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are involved. All other products that are distributed by us meet our high-quality standards.
Instructions: Use 6-12 drops in juice or water, under the tongue or as desired. May be taken 3 times daily. Shake well. Store in cool dark place. Keep out of reach of children.
Contraindications: Chlorella Herbal Supplement is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. The herb may increase some people's sensitivity to sunlight or sunburn.
Disclaimer: The information presented herein by New Way Herbs is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own healthcare provider.