Barley is one of the oldest of all cultivated grains, and some proponents claim that it is easier on the digestive system than Wheatgrass. Additionally, Barley grass is said to contain exceptionally high amounts of organic sodium and may help to alleviate arthritis symptoms more effectively than Wheatgrass supplements, or juice. This free radical scavenger "super green" helps with detoxification, internal cleansing, tissue repair, skin problems, and prevention of degenerative disease, promoting a longer life. Barley Grass liquid herbal extract is packed with nearly three dozen vitamins and minerals. It contains high amounts of chlorophyll, nature's deodorizer. It has strong cleansing powers, improves circulation and increases energy levels. The herbal extract of Barley grass has been used in TCM to fight diseases of the spleen or poor digestion. Barley Grass has been used for such medical conditions as diabetes, hypertension, anemia, asthma, impotence, kidney problems, and obesity. Barley grass is one of the best herbs to use from heavy metal poisoning because it attaches to metals such as lead, mercury, aluminum, etc., and carries them out of the body. It promotes tissue repair and has anti-aging mechanisms, it as well as heals the stomach and duodenal ulcers, helpful for hemorrhoids and any inflammation in the digestive tract. It has also been utilized to treat conditions such as depression or emotional imbalance. Barley grass is said to be the only vegetable on Earth which can supply all the nutrients which the human body needs from birth to old age.
Barley Grass herbal extract is made from dried young leaves of the barley plant. In this state, it contains extremely high levels of nutrients, because it can be easily assimilated by our digestive system, in a matter of minutes. The herb contains essential and non-essential amino acids, enzymes, superoxide dismutase, folic acid, flavonoids, B-vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, calcium, iron, pantothenic acid, carotenoids, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, beta-carotene (apparently more than spinach). Proponents of health considered it to be a powerful antioxidant, and useful in the fight against cancer. By reducing the number of free radicals in the blood (toxic atoms or molecules that can destroy your healthy cells), it reduces high cholesterol and keeps inflammation at bay. Consuming Barley grass herbal extracts have been shown to be very alkalizing for the body. The modern day diet of processed foods produces a prolonged acidic environment in the body that can damage bones, raise blood pressure, lower energy levels, invite infection and weaken immune response in the body. Raising PH levels by taking Barley Grass herbal supplements helps eliminate and reverse these conditions. As an exceptional whole food, Barley Grass provides many essential nutrients that act together to optimize bodily functions is considered especially useful for invalids, children and those in debilitated conditions.
Barley Grass contains high levels of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life, containing more light energy than any other element. It rebuilds the blood and is very similar in structure to blood hemoglobin. Liquid chlorophyll enters into bodily tissues, rejuvenating and rebuilding them, stimulating the red blood cells to promote oxygen supply. Along with other essential nutrients, chlorophyll removes carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from the body and helps in reducing urinary, fecal and body odor. It also detoxifies the body from harmful substances that we digest every day.
Pituitary growth hormone is rapidly gaining a reputation for being a powerful anti-aging tool and for promoting healing in the body. There are some high risks involved with taking high doses of the hormone but taking a growth hormone precursor, such as Barley Grass, you can promote overall health as well.
Many people report that Barley Grass herbal supplements stimulate weight loss, which is due to the enhancement of enzymes in the system, essential for cell metabolism. Barley Grass herbal extract helps repair the DNA of cells, besides improving overall skin health and stimulating weight loss.
It has been used to relieve inflammation and soothes stomach distress. It also tones and strengthens the stomach. As a digestive aid, this quality assists the digestive tract and helps to relieve dyspepsia (including
lacto-dyspepsia in children), flatulence, heartburn, nausea, gastritis, duodenal and peptic ulcers, and also helps to improve the appetite. Barley Grass is said to soothe intestinal irritation and ease many intestinal problems, including ulcerative colitis and as a treatment for constipation. The herb is used to improve colon health, facilitate daily regularity and may also be helpful in preventing serious malignant bowel disease.
Barley Grass extract's many vitamins, minerals, and enzymes act along with powerful antioxidants, which can protect our body from free radical damage, enhance the immune system and improve cardiovascular health by reducing oxidative stress on total cholesterol and the body as a whole. Barley Grass herbal extract has been found to have significant cardiovascular benefits, especially in post-menopausal women. Results of a 3-year study were published in the American Heart Journal and showed that it slowed the progression of atherosclerosis, which is the build-up of plaque that narrows the blood vessels.
Another benefit of Barley Grass herbal liquid its ability to assist in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels that can prevent the development of type II diabetes. Even for those who have already developed adult-onset diabetes, it helps to delay or prevent blood vessel damage which could be caused by diabetes. Blood levels of oxygen-free radicals were reduced by supplementing Barley Grass liquid herbal extract in patients with Type-2 diabetes mellitus. It is a total food that is believed to help those suffering from diabetes and complications such as cardiovascular problems, sexual impotence, kidney damage, eye damage and others.
In one study Barley Grass extract was found to be useful in the treatment of skin diseases ranging from melanosis (darkening of the skin) to eczema. It is classified as a high-grade food/drug that will rejuvenate the skin by improving the function of internal organs. Research has shown that those who take Barley Grass supplements heal faster than those who did not, probably due to it being a rich source of zinc. It is also a natural source of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), and Vitamin C, as well as other minerals and antioxidants that create a barrier to protect the skin from outside pollutants. And build cells, known as fibroblasts. It is considered one of the finest emollients and can help to soften and soothe tissue, improving the texture of the skin and healing the dryness associated with aging. When used externally in a poultice, it is said to relieve sores, burns, tumors, and wounds.
All of our ingredients are Certified Organic, Kosher, or Responsibly Wildcrafted. No genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are involved. All other products that are distributed by us meet our high-quality standards.