is a very effective formula for stimulating the digestive system.
Botanical name: Coriandrum sativum
Origin: Egypt/Israel
Therapeutic actions:
Anti-halitosis; Aromatic; Carminative; Expectorant; Narcotic;
Stimulant; Stomachic.
Drug Interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: The
fruits (seeds) are Coriander; the leaves are known as Cilantro. Cilantro has
been found to chelate (remove) heavy metals like mercury, aluminum and lead
from the body. In fact, it is believed to cross the blood-brain barrier and remove
said metals from the brain in as little as two weeks. A researcher, Dr.
Yoshiaki Omura discovered this by accident.
Internal uses: Coriander
is used for the digestive system, treating flatulence, loss of appetite, diarrhea,
and colic. It settles spasms in the gut
and counters the effects of nervous tension. The raw seed is chewed to
stimulate the flow of gastric juices and to cure foul breath and will sweeten
the breath after garlic has been eaten.
Suggested Dosage: Tincture- 10-20 drops after meals.
Botanical name: Gentiana lutea
Origin: USA/China
Therapeutic actions:
Alterative; Anthelmintic; Anti-inflammatory; Antiseptic;
Antibilious; Anti-periodic; Antivenemous; Anti-pyretic; Bitter; Cholagogue;
Digestant; Emmenagogue; Febrifuge; Mild Laxative; Parasiticide; Refrigerant;
Sialagogue; Stomachic; Tonic.
Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium,
selenium, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and C.
Drug interactions:
No known drug interaction.
Description: It
is one of the best strengtheners of the human system, stimulating the liver,
gall bladder and digestive system.
Internal uses: The
strong bitter properties promote digestion, increase peristalsis, stimulate the
flow of bile and improve the appetite. Rich in natural sugar and is beneficial
for the pancreas, spleen and kidneys.
Gentian is also helpful for
gastro-intestinal inflammation and for controlling fevers. Some people chew on the root to improve
physical strength and endurance.
Purifies and improves the vascular blood system.
Suggested dosage:
Tincture 1--3 ml 20 minutes before meals.
Caution: Do not use if have ulcers or when
stomach irritation or inflammation is present. Avoid large doses which may
cause vomiting.
Botanical name: Zingiber officinale
Origin: Indonesia/China
Therapeutic actions:
Anti-bacterial; Anodyne; Anti-convulsant; Aphrodisiac; Analgesic;
Anti-ulcer; Anti-tumor; Anti-fungal; Antispasmodic; Anti-allergenic;
Carminative; Diffusive stimulant; Diaphoretic; Gastric antisecretory; Pungent;
Rubefacient; Sternutatory; Sialagogue.
Nutrients: Amino
acids, calcium, essential fatty acids, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus,
potassium, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, b2, B3, B6 and C.
Drug interactions:
Interacts with Heparin, Warfarin. Check with physician if on
Ticlopidine. Supports interaction if on chemotherapy drugs, general anesthetics
and nitrous oxide.
Description: Ginger
is warming and stimulating. It has helped to promote gastric secretions, thus
aiding with food absorption.
Internal uses: It
has been used for indigestion, flatulence, nausea (including travel and morning
sickness) and colic. Stimulating to the circulation and will help to warm cold
hands and feet. It has a beneficial effect on the lungs, helping to dispel
mucus and phlegm. Taken hot, it promotes sweating and is helpful for colds and
flu. Chewing the root will stimulate the saliva and benefit the sore throat.
Other uses: relief of headaches, vertigo, aches, pains, osteoarthritis,
suppressed menstruation and as a cleansing agent through the kidneys and
Suggested dosage:
500 mg--1000 mg daily.
Botanical name: Scutellaria lateriflora
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions:
Antispasmodic; Anti-bacterial; Anticonvulsive; Anti-pyretic;
Anti-venomous; Astringent; Calmative; Diuretic; Nervine; Sedative; Tonic.
Nutrients: Calcium,
iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon,
zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E.
Drug Interactions: No known interactions.
Description: Skullcap
is an excellent tonic for the nervous system.
Internal uses: It
has been used for nervousness, insomnia and for withdrawal from drugs and
alcohol. It helps to induce an inner calm and to help lessen negative mind
chatter. Other uses: hysterical fits, convulsions, spinal meningitis, epilepsy,
nervous headache, facial neuralgia, insanity, poisonous insect and snake bites,
cranial and uterine neuralgia, spasms, rheumatism, infertility, suppression of
excessive sexual desire. Its bitter qualities help to strengthen the digestive
system. In former times, it was used in the treatment of rabies and epilepsy.
Suggested Dosage: Tincture- 2--4 ml 3 times daily.
Botanical name: Thymus vulgaris
Origin: Morocco/Spain
Therapeutic actions:
Anthelmintic; Antiseptic; Antispasmodic; Aromatherapy;
Carminative; Deodorant; Diaphoretic; Disinfectant; Emmenagogue; Expectorant;
Sedative; Tonic; Vulnerary.
Amino Acids, calcium, essential fatty acids, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc , vitamins B1, B2, B3 and C.
Drug Interactions: No know Drug Interactions.
Description: Thyme
is a common household spice that has many medicinal values.
Internal uses: It
has helped to clear respiratory difficulties, including bronchial problems,
whooping cough, laryngitis, catarrh and sore throat. It has also treated the
digestive system for stomach cramps, diarrhea, heartburn, chronic gastritis,
flatulence, colic, diminished appetite, nightmares, toothache, bad odor,
scabies and indolent ulcers. Taken at the beginning of cold or flu, it will
induce perspiration. Has also been used to treat infections including yeast
External uses: It
may be used as an antiseptic mouthwash and as a skin wash to destroy fungal
infections (such as Athlete's Foot and skin parasites). As a local irritant, it
increases the blood flow to the surface. It can be used in baths for
rheumatism, paralysis, bruises, swellings and sprains. In a salve it is helpful
for shingles.
Suggested Dosage: Tincture- 2-6 ml 3 times daily.
Excessive use can lead to poisoning symptoms and overstimulation of the
thyroid gland.
All of our ingredients are Certified Organic, Kosher, or Responsibly Wildcrafted. No genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are involved. All other products that are distributed by us meet our high-quality standards.